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Endosonography, 3ed + Video
From diagnostic to therapeutic procedures, Endosonography, 3rd Edition is an easy-to-access, highly visual guide covering everything you need to effectively perform EUS, interpret your findings, diagnose accurately, and choose the best treatment course. World-renowned endosonographers help beginners apply endosonography in staging cancers, evaluating chronic pancreatitis, and studying bile duct abnormalities and submucosal lesions. Practicing endosonographers can learn cutting-edge techniques for performing therapeutic interventions such as drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts and EUS-guided anti-tumor therapy. Meticulous updates, electronic access to the fully searchable text, videos detailing various methods and proceduresand moreequip you with a complete overview of all aspects of EUS.
“This book integrates scientific data, experts’ knowledge, evidence based-medicine and technical data into clinical gastrointestinal practice in a clear and concise manner.”Reviewed by J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, Dec 2014
“…a stand-alone reference for an EUS-trainee with no need for further supplementary literature to get started”Reviewed by Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, Jan 2015
- Get a clear overview of everything you need to know to establish an endoscopic practice, from what equipment to buy to providing effective cytopathology services.
- Understand the role of EUS with the aid of algorithms that define its place in specific disease states.
- Gain a detailed visual understanding and mastery of how to perform EUSsystematically using illustrations, high-quality endosonography images, and videos.
- Glean all essential, up-to-date information about endosonography including transluminal drainage procedures, contrast-enhanced EUS, and fine-needle aspiration techniques.
- Benefit from the extensive knowledge and experienceof world-renowned leadersin endosonography, Drs. Robert H. Hawes, Paul Fockens, and Shyam Varadarajulu.
- Locate information quickly and easily through a consistent chapter structure, with procedures organized by body system.
- Access the full text online at Expert Consult.
Master how to perform EUS systematically using the station-based approach and the latest techniques on FNA and therapeutic interventions using step-by-step procedural videos and high-quality images from leading global authorities.
“This book integrates scienti c data, experts’ knowledge, evidence based-medicine and technical data into clinical gastrointestinal practice in a clear and concise manner. It provides information from the basics of EUS starting from the principle of ultrasound to the clinical practice of diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, meanwhile integrating new techniques such as contrast-enhanced ultrasound, elastography, fusion imaging and new therapeutically approaches such as drainages and EUS-guided anti-tumor therapy.” Reviewed by J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, Dec 2014
۱. Principles of Ultrasound
۲. Equipment
۳. Training and Simulators
۴. Indications, Preparation, and Adverse Effects
۵. New Techniques in Endoscopic Ultrasound: Real-Time Elastography, Contrast-Enhanced EUS, and Fusion Imaging
۶. How to perform EUS in the Esophagus and Mediastinum
۷. EUS and EBUS in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
۸. EUS in Esophageal Cancer
۹. EUS in the evaluation of Posterior Mediastinal Lesions
۱۰. How to perform EUS in the Stomach
۱۱. Subepithelial Lesions
۱۲. EUS in the evaluation of Gastric Tumors
۱۳. How to perform EUS in the Pancreas, Bile Duct and Liver
۱۴. EUS in Inflammatory Disease of the Pancreas
۱۵. EUS in Pancreatic Tumors
۱۶. EUS in the Evaluation of Pancreatic Cysts
۱۷. EUS in Bile Duct, Gallbladder and Ampullary Lesions
۱۸. How to perform Anorectal EUS
۱۹. EUS in Rectal Cancer
۲۰. Evaluation of Anal Sphincter by Anal EUS
۲۱. How to perform EUS-guided Fine Needle Aspiration
۲۲. How to perform EUS-guided Fine Needle Biopsy
۲۳. Cytology Primer for Endosonographers
۲۴. EUS-guided Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections
۲۵. EUS-guided Drainage of the Biliary and Pancreatic Ductal Systems
۲۶. EUS-guided Ablation Therapy and Celiac Plexus Interventions
۲۷. EUS-guided Drainage of Gallbladder, Pelvic Abscess and Other Therapeutic Interventions
Video Contents
Video 1: Video 5-1: Benign mediastinal lymph node
Video 2: Video 5-2: Malignant mediastinal lymph node
Video 3: Video 5-3: Chronic pseudotumoral pancreatitis.
Video 4: Video 5-4: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Video 5: Video 5-5: Pseudotumoral chronic pancreatitis.
Video 6: Video 5-6: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Video 7: Video 5-7: Malignant neuroendocrine tumor.
Video 9: Video 5-9: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Video 10: Video 5-10: Malignant neuroendocrine tumor.
Video 11: Video 5-11: Gastric adenocarcinoma.
Video 12: Video 5-12: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).
Video 13: Video 6-1: Examination of the esophagus using a high-frequency catheter probe
Video 14: Video 6-2: Examination of the mediastinum using a radial echoendoscope (with narration). 63
Video 15: Video 6-3: Examination of the mediastinum using a curvilinear array echoendoscope (with narration). 64
Video 16: Video 6-4: The 360-degree torquing technique for evaluation of the posterior
Video 17: Video 6-5: Evaluation of the left adrenal gland using a linear array echoendoscope (with narration).
Video 18: Video 7-1: Demonstrating EUS-guided FNA of the subcarinal lymph node in a patient with non–small-cell lung cancer.
Video 19: Video 7-2: Demonstrating EUS-guided FNA of the left adrenal gland in a patient with metastatic non–small-cell lung
Video 20: Video 7-3: Demonstrating EBUS-TBNA in a patient with mediastinal adenopathy and non–small-cell lung cancer.
Video 80: Video 24-4: Video demonstrating the multiple transluminal gateway technique for drainage of walled-off pancreatic necrosis.
Video 81: Video 25-1A: Retrograde intrahepatic transpapillary stent placement.
Video 82: Video 25-1B: Antegrade intrahepatic transpapillary stent placement.
Video 83: Video 25-1C: Antegrade intrahepatic transluminal stent placement.
Video 84: Video 25-2A: Antegrade extrahepatic transpapillary stent placement.
Video 85: Video 25-2B: Antegrade extrahepatic transluminal stent placement.
Video 86: Video 25-3A: Retrograde main pancreatic duct transpapillary stent placement.
Video 87: Video 25-3B: Antegrade main pancreatic duct transpapillary stent placement.
Video 88: Video 25-3C: Antegrade main pancreatic duct transluminal stent placement.
Video 89: Video 26-1: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided RFA application to pancreas using Habib catheter (with audio).
Video 90: Video 26-2: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided fducial placement (with audio).
Video 91: Video 26-3: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided pancreatic cyst ablation (with audio).
Video 92: Video 26-4: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided celiac plexus neurolysis (with audio).
Video 93: Video 27-1: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided gallbladder drainage (with narration.
Video 94: Video 27-2: Video demonstrating the technique for EUS-guided drainage of pelvic abscess (with narration).
Video 95: Video 27-3: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided variceal obliteration by placement of a gastric coil (with narration).
Video 96: Video 27-4: Video demonstrating the technique of EUS-guided fducial placement (with narration).
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=78469
نویسنده : Robert H. Hawes MD , Paul Fockens MD PhD
ناشر : Saunders; 3 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 414 + 3 ساعت و 20 دقیقه
(ISBN) شابک : 0323221513
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $183.05
حجم فایل : 1000 MB
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