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Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1ed
Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicines brings together current thinking and practice in the areas of characterization and validation of natural products. This book reviews all aspects of evaluation and development of medicines from plant sources, including their cultivation, collection, phytochemical and phyto-pharmacological evaluation, and therapeutic potential. Emphasis is placed on describing the full range of evidence-based analytical and bio-analytical techniques used to characterize natural products, including –omic technologies, phyto-chemical analysis, hyphenated techniques, and many more.
- Includes state-of-the-art methods for detecting, isolating, and performing structure elucidation by degradation and spectroscopic techniques
- Covers biosynthesis, synthesis, and biological activity related to natural products
- Consolidates information to save time and money in research
- Increases confidence levels in quality and validity of natural products
About the Author
Dr. Pulok K. Mukherjee, Director, School of Natural Product Studies, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, has been working on traditional medicine inspired drug discovery leading to development of therapeutic leads from natural resources. His research work highlights screening, evaluation, formulation, and standardization of herbal drugs with their validation to ensure quality, safety, and efficacy. He has made innovative, outstanding, and original contributions both in education and research in the area of natural products.
Dr. Mukherjee is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK. He completed his masters and PhD in pharmacy from Jadavpur University and post-doctoral research from Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, The Netherlands. His research career has been outstanding, including globally-acclaimed contributions on evaluation of the holistic medicine as useful bio-prospecting tools for the traditional medicine based drug discovery program so as to make them available from “Farm to Pharma”. His work has led to many important national and international projects in the field of Natural Health Products. He has worked on leveraging innovations in traditional Indian medicine, particularly on rationally designed, carefully standardized, synergistic traditional herbal formulations and botanical drugs for their scientific validation on evidence based approaches. His efforts on development of integrated approaches for drug development from Indian traditional medicine have worldwide impact for the promotion of traditional medicine inspired drug discovery.
Based on these works, he has to his credit more than 174 publications in peer reviewed impact journals, several patents and 20 books/book chapters on various aspects of herbal medicine. His research publications have a cumulative Impact Factor of 186.43. Google Citations database indicates that his works have h-Index- 41, i10-index- 126; which has been cited over 7630 times. He has worked as visiting scientist in several renowned universities abroad including The School of Pharmacy, University of London; King’s College London; Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, Netherlands; School of Health Science, Tokushima University, Japan; Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa. He has developed several products, and processes with partnership between industry and institutes.
He has been awarded with many laurels from the Government of India and abroad; to name a few: the prestigious Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), UK; Outstanding Service Award from the Drug Information Association (DIA), USA; Career Award for Young Teachers from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Government of India; Overseas Award from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), BOYSCAST Fellowship from Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India; Young Pharmacy Teacher Award from the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India; and the IPA Fellowship Award from the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA).
Dr. Mukherjee is working on the dissemination of knowledge on promotion and development of natural products with international coordination and collaboration on globalizing local knowledge and localizing global technologies in the area of traditional medicine. He has delivered over 200 lectures at different international and national podiums on leveraging innovations in traditional Indian medicine particularly on its validation for the safety, quality, and efficacy with the evidence based scientific claims. He has organized 16 potential national and international conferences, workshops, and seminars with the involvement of scientists all over the world. He is actively involved with several professional organizations. He is Member of the board on International Society for Ethnopharmacology, UK; Secretary of the Society for Ethnopharmacology (SFE), India; Council member of the Society for TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis, China; and others.
Dr. Mukherjee is serving as Associate Editor of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Elsevier Science. He is the member of the editorial board of ten other Indian and international journals. He is also associated as advisor to different organizations and administrative bodies of the Government of India and abroad.
۱. Quality related safety issues – Evidence based validation of herbal medicine farm to pharma
۲. Value Chains of Herbal Medicines – Ethnopharmacological and analytical challenges in a globalizing world
۳. Pharmacopoeial Standards as the Basis of Herbal Medicine Quality Control
۴. Taxonomy – tool for validation of herbal medicine
۵. Validation of medicinal herbs for skin ageing
۶. Pro-angiogenic potential of medicinal plants in wound healing
۷. Pharmacovigilance: Tool in establishing the safety and acceptability of the natural health products – Clinical evaluation
۸. Validation of antiviral potential of herbal ethomedicine
۹. Harmonization of regulatory requirements in Europe to ensure quality, safety and efficacy of herbal medicinal products
۱۰. Bioavailability of herbal medicine: approach towards improved pharmacokinetics
۱۱. Good quality and clinical practices for the future development of herbal medicines
۱۲. Evidence based scientific claims for traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery from Ayurveda
۱۳. Evaluation of bioactive compounds as AChE inhibitors from medicinal plants
۱۴. Drugs and drug leads based on natural products for treatment of malaria
۱۵. Evaluation of Natural products against Biofilm mediated bacterial resistance
۱۶. Clinical effects of caraway, a traditional medicine for weight loss
۱۷. Challenges in identification of potential phytotherapies and contemporary biomedical literatures
۱۸. Botanicals as medicinal foods and their effects against obesity
۱۹. Application of HPLC in the analysis of herbal products
۲۰. Ayurveda opportunities for developing safe and effective treatment choices for the future
۲۱. Discovery and development of lead compounds from natural sources using computational approaches
۲۲. Infrared Spectroscopic Technologies for the Quality Control of Herbal Medicines
۲۳. Antimicrobial secondary metabolites- extraction, isolation, identification and bio assay
۲۴. Use of herbals in cardiac diseases: priority of evidence over belief
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=16145
نویسنده : Pulok K. Mukherjee
ناشر : Elsevier; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 556
(ISBN) شابک : 0128008741
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $214.99
حجم فایل : 19 MB