دانلود کتاب انکولوژی آکسفورد
Oxford Textbook of Oncology, 3ed
Written and edited by internationally recognized leaders in the field, the new edition of the Oxford Textbook of Oncology has been fully revised and updated, taking into consideration the advancements in each of the major therapeutic areas, and representing the multidisciplinary management of cancer.
Structured in six sections, the book provides an accessible scientific basis to the key topics of oncology, examining how cancer cells grow and function, as well as discussing the aetiology of cancer, and the general principles governing modern approaches to oncology treatment. The book examines the challenges presented by the treatment of cancer on a larger scale within population groups, and the importance of recognising and supporting the needs of individual patients, both during and after treatment.
A series of disease-oriented, case-based chapters, ranging from acute leukaemia to colon cancer, highlight the various approaches available for managing the cancer patient, including the translational application of cancer science in order to personalise treatment. The advice imparted in these cases has relevance worldwide, and reflects a modern approach to cancer care.
The Oxford Textbook of Oncology provides a comprehensive account of the multiple aspects of best practice in the discipline, making it an indispensable resource for oncologists of all grades and subspecialty interests.
About the Author
David J. Kerr, Professor of Cancer Medicine, Nuffield Division of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences, University of Oxford, UK,Daniel G. Haller, Professor Emeritus, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA,Cornelius J. H. van de Velde, Professor of Surgery and Head, Department of Surgical Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands,Michael Baumann, Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology; Director, University Cancer Center; and Coordinator, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Medical Faculty and University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technical University of Dresden, Germany; Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany; German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) partner site, Dresden, Germany; and German Cancer Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany,Nagahiro Saijo, Professor, Kinki University School of Medicine; Member of Executive Advisory Board, West Japan Oncology Group; and Deputy Director of the National Cancer Center Hospital East,
David Kerr has made a sustained and internationally recognised contribution to cancer care and research in the field of medical oncology over the past three decades. He has published over 400 papers in high profile journals, authored over twenty books and has been awarded four prestigious, international research prizes, including the NHS’s first Nye Bevan award for Innovation. His scientific standing has been recognised by election as Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the European society of Medical Oncology (2009-2011) and Founding Fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences.
SECTION 1 Hallmarks of cancer
۱ The hallmarks of cancer: perspectives for cancer medicine
۲ Growth factors and uncontrolled proliferation
۳ Cell signalling pathways
۴ Cell cycle control
۵ Cancer cell death
۶ Angiogenesis
۷ Invasion and metastasis
۸ Genetic instability
۹ DNA repair after oncological therapy (radiotherapy and chemotherapy)
۱۰ Biology of cancer and metastasis stem cells
۱۱ Biomarker identification and clinical validation
۱۲ Cancer, immunity, and inflammation
۱۳ Cancer and metabolism
SECTION 2 Aetiology and epidemiology of cancer
۱۴ Smoking and cancer
۱۵ Viruses
۱۶ Chemical carcinogens
۱۷ Radiation-induced cancer
۱۸ Aetiology and progression of cancer: role of body fatness, physical activity, diet, and other lifestyle factors
SECTION 3 Principles of oncology
SECTION 4 Population health
۲۷ Cancer control planning
۲۸ Cancer prevention: vaccination
۲۹ Cancer chemoprevention
۳۰ Population cancer screening
۳۱ Familial cancer syndromes and genetic counselling
SECTION 5 Support for the cancer patient
۳۲ Supportive and palliative care
۳۳ Quality of life
۳۴ Cancer survivorship and rehabilitation
SECTION 6 Disease orientated chapters
۳۵ Head and neck cancer
۳۶ Oesophageal cancer
۳۷ Gastric cancer
۳۸ Rectal cancer and systemic therapy of colorectal cancer
۳۹ Colorectal cancer
۴۰ Pancreatic cancer
۴۱ Hepatobiliary cancers
۴۲ Peritoneal mesothelioma
۴۳ Cancer of the breast
۴۴ Gynaecological cancers
۴۵ Genitourinary cancers
۴۶ Lung cancer
۴۷ Neoplasms of the thymus
۴۸ Pleural mesothelioma
۴۹ Skin cancer: melanoma
۵۰ Skin cancer: non-melanoma
۵۱ Acute leukaemias
۵۲ Chronic leukaemias
۵۳ Myeloma
۵۴ Malignant lymphomas
۵۵ Sarcomas of soft tissues and bone
۵۶ Craniospinal malignancies
۵۷ Tumours of the eye and orbit
۵۸ Endocrine cancers
۵۹ Cancer of unknown primary site
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=22443
نویسنده : David J. Kerr , Daniel G. Haller
ناشر : Oxford University Press; 3 edition
سال انتشار : 2016
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 1041
(ISBN) شابک : 019965610X
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $391.75
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