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Diseases and Conditions in Dentistry, 1ed + Case Studies
Diseases and Conditions in Dentistry
This handy reference book on dental diseases and conditions is the ideal, one-stop guide for dentistry clinicians to keep at their side. Each chapter follows the same easy-to-read format, including definitions, etiology, classifications, epidemiology, relevant history and special investigations, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment challenges, management options, maintenance issues, and a literature section. The book provides comprehensive multidisciplinary coverage of diseases and conditions in endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistry, with detailed clinical cases and evidence-based discussions throughout.
Presented in alphabetical order, Diseases and Conditions in Dentistry: An Evidence-Based Reference provides dentists with complete coverage of every issue that they might encounter during practice, from aggressive periodontitis and complete edentulism to dento-alveolar trauma and tooth wear. A companion website offers additional clinical photographs, radiographs, and case notes.
- Provides a quick reference for the busy clinician covering diseases and conditions in endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistry
- Offers identically formatted chapters following the same clear and concise layout with detailed clinical cases and evidence-based discussions
- Features a companion website with additional clinical photographs, radiographs, and case notes
Diseases and Conditions in Dentistry: An Evidence-Based Reference is an indispensable reference for clinicians in daily practice, as well as a useful study guide for the ORE, MFDS, MSc, MRD, ISFE, MClinDent, and DClinDent specialty exams.
About the Author
Keyvan Moharamzadeh, BSc, DDS, PhD, FHEA, FDSRCS, is a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Specialist in Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry, at the University of Sheffield, UK.
۱ Aggressive Periodontitis
۲ Amelogenesis Imperfecta
۳ Apical Periodontitis
۴ Bisphosphonates and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
۵ Caries
۶ Chronic Periodontitis
۷ Cleft Lip and Palate
۸ Combination Syndrome
۹ Complete Edentulism
۱۰ Deep Overbite
۱۱ Dens Invaginatus
۱۲ Dentine Hypersensitivity
۱۳ Dentinogenesis Imperfecta and Dentine Dysplasia
۱۴ Dentoalveolar Trauma
۱۵ Discolouration
۱۶ Ectodermal Dysplasia
۱۷ External Root Resorption
۱۸ Failed Restoration and Compromised Tooth
۱۹ Fluorosis
۲۰ Fractured Endodontic Instrument
۲۱ Fractured or Failed Post
۲۲ Gingival Enlargement and Gingivitis
۲۳ Gingival Recession
۲۴ Halitosis
۲۵ Hypodontia
۲۶ Internal Root Resorption 193
۲۷ Irrigation Accidents
۲۸ Low Maxillary Sinus Floor
۲۹ Microdontia
۳۰ Necrotising Periodontal Diseases
۳۱ Occlusal Issues and Occlusion
۳۲ Oncology‐Related Defects in Mandible
۳۳ Oncology‐Related Defects in Maxillae
۳۴ Open Apex (Immature Non‐Vital Teeth)
۳۵ Open Bite
۳۶ Osteoradionecrosis
۳۷ Partial Edentulism – Implant Treatment
۳۸ Partial Edentulism – Partial Denture Treatment
۳۹ Perforation
۴۰ Peri‐Implant Diseases
۴۱ Periodontal Abscess
۴۲ Periodontic‐Endodontic Lesion
۴۳ Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease
۴۴ Radiotherapy Side Effects
۴۵ Ridge Defects (Generalised)
۴۶ Ridge Defects (Localised)
۴۷ Shortened Dental Arch (SDA)
۴۸ Supernumerary, Fusion and Gemination
۴۹ Temporomandibular Disorders
۵۰ Tooth Wear
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=86118
نویسنده : Keyvan Moharamzadeh
ناشر : Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2018
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 574
(ISBN) شابک : 1119312035
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $109.24
حجم فایل : 31 MB
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