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Biomechanics of Spine Stabilization, 3ed
Biomechanics of Spine Stabilization, Third Edition, is a comprehensive and highly readable reference that helps spine specialists understand the clinically important biomechanical principles underpinning spinal surgery and instrumentation so that the best clinical decisions can be made for patients. This new edition includes coverage of the latest spine technology that has evolved over the past decade, such as motion preservation technologies and minimally invasive spine surgery.
- Single-authored text with the consistent, authoritative voice of world-renowned expert Dr. Benzel
- More than 350 new figures and original line drawings help clarify information in the text
- Extensive glossary of basic terminology on biomechanics for quick, easy reference
- More than 400 review questions at the back of the book for help with exam preparation
This book is an excellent clinical reference for spine surgeons, residents, and fellows in the fields of orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery, neuroradiologists, and engineers working for spine device companies.
Thieme eNeurosurgery is the worlds most comprehensive neurosurgical resource online. For a free trial, go to:thieme.com/eneurotrial
About the Author
Center for Spine Health, Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, OH 44195
۱ Biom echanically Relevant Anatomy and Material Properties of the Spine and Associated Elem ents
۲ Physical Principles and Kinem atics
۳ Stability and Instability of the Spine
۴ Bone Quality
۵ Degenerative and Inflam m atory Diseases of the Spine
۶ Traum a, Tum or, and Infection
۷ Spine Deform ations
۸ Neural Elem ent Injury
۹ Correlation of the Anatom ical and Clinical Dom ains
۱۰ Surgical Approaches to the Subaxial Spine
۱۱ Destabilizing Effects of Spine Surgery
۱۲ Spine Fusion
۱۳ Im plant Material Properties
۱۴ Com ponent-Com ponent Interfaces
۱۵ Im plant-Bone Interfaces
۱۶ Qualitative Attributes of Spinal Im plants: A Historical Perspective
۱۷ Quantitative Attributes of Spinal Im plants
۱۸ Construct Design
۱۹ Construct Failure and Failure Prevention
۲۰ Craniocervical and Upper Cervical Constructs
۲۱ Ventral Subaxial Spine Constructs
۲۳ Interbody Constructs
۲۴ Lum bo Sacral-Pelvic Constructs
۲۵ Regional Nuances
۲۶ Deform ity Prevention and Correction: Com ponent Strategies
۲۷ Deform ity Prevention and Correction: Com plex Clinical Strategies
۲۸ Com plex Instrum entation Constructs and Force Applications
۲۹ Subsidence and Dynam ic Spine Stabilization
۳۰ Vertebral Augm entation
۳۱ Adjacent Segm ent Degeneration and Disease
۳۲ Motion Preservation Technologies
۳۳ Minim ally Invasive Spine Surgery
۳۴ Construct Failure and Failure Prevention: The Decision Making Process
۳۵ Bed Rest and Traction
۳۶ Spinal Bracing
۳۷ Exercises, Conditioning, and Other Non-Operative Strategies
۳۸ Biom echanical Testing
۳۹ The Decision-Making Process: A Reprise
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=93874
نویسنده : Edward C. Benzel
ناشر : Thieme/AANS; 3 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 570
(ISBN) شابک : 1604069244
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $198.09
حجم فایل : 46 MB
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