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Beasley’s Surgery of the Hand, 1ed
While new techniques and instruments are constantly being developed, the fundamental concepts and principles of hand surgery remain the basic components of every surgeon’s knowledge. This book provides the vital information needed to perform all types of hand surgery, including a guiding philosophy and systematic approach that reduce even the most difficult problems to manageable solutions. Written by world-renowned hand surgeon Robert W. Beasley, this book shares his 40 years of clinical experience and vast knowledge to help you make strong and effective surgical decisions.
The text is augmented by nearly 1,400 exquisite, high-quality illustrations that explain important points and give meaning to theoretical concepts. The clinical photographs depict the entire process from the initial problem through the post-surgical results, and the anatomical drawings were created by award-winning artist and illustrator Leon Dorn especially for this book.
From the Back Cover
۱. Introduction to Hand Surgery
۲. Surgical Anatomy of the Hand
۳. Principles of Treatment and Managing Injuries
۴. Anesthesia for Surgery of the Hand
۵. Soft Tissue Injury and Foreign Bodies
۶. Burns and Chemicalr Coldr and Electrical Injuries
۷. Soft Tissue Replacements
۸. Secondary Repair of Burned Hands
۹. Overview of Radiographic Imaging of the Hand and Wrist
۱۰. Biology of Fracture Healing and Management Principles
۱۱. Injuries of the Distal Radius and Distal Radioulnar Joint
۱۲. Injuries of the Carpal Complex
۱۳. Skeletal Injuries of the Thumb and Fingers
۱۴. Tendon Injuries
۱۵. Nerve Injuries
۱۶. Vascular Problems
۱۷. Upper Limb Amputations
۱۸. Upper Limb Prostheses
۱۹. Thumb Reconstruction and Sensory Island Flaps
۲۰. Tendon Transfers
۲۱. Synovitis and Tenosynovitis
۲۲. Arthritis of the Hand and Wrist
۲۳. Upper Limb Pain
۲۴. Chronic Connective Tissue Inflammatory Disorders Attributed to Repetitive Motion
۲۵. Upper Limb Compression Neuropathies
۲۶. Dupuytren’s Disease
۲۷. Tumor Surgery
۲۸. Infections in the Upper Limb
۲۹. Congenital Anomalies
۳۰. Hand Therapy
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=90820
نویسنده : Robert W. Beasley
ناشر : Thieme; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2003
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 544
(ISBN) شابک : 1588901610
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $168.83
حجم فایل : 100 MB