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Radiology for Medical Finals: A Case-Based Guide, 1ed
This book is an informed, educational and abundantly illustrated guide to the imaging knowledge that medical students in the clinical years of their undergraduate studies will be required to get to know, understand and recall in order to negotiate successfully their finals exams. Via the popular and instructive case-based format, readers are guided through 100 cases chosen specifically to reflect what the authors consider is necessary knowledge for finals, and imaging modalities that students can reasonably expect to encounter with a resulting emphasis on plain film with some CT and MR.
- High-quality images, heavily annotated in answer sections to aid explanation
- Questions accompanying each case allow students to explore their knowledge and identify areas for further practice.
- Detailed answers allow students to fully understand the management of a particular condition.
- “Top tips”, exam hints, learning points and key findings sections – ideal for rapid reference during finals revision
- From an author team who understand fully what is ‘need to know’ rather than ‘nice to know’ information for the busy medical student facing qualifying exams
About the Author
Lt Col Edward Sellon is a Consultant Radiologist with the British Army and an Honorary Consultant Radiologist at Oxford University Hospitals, UK
David C Howlett is a Consultant Radiologist at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and Honorary Clinical Professor Radiology at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Professor Howlett is an experienced undergraduate examiner at two medical schools, Kings College London and Brighton and Sussex Medical School and has provided radiological imaging for Brighton finals for many years. He is radiology lead for year 5 at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and has been involved in the preparation of the national undergraduate radiology curriculum on behalf of the Royal College of Radiologists. As such he has a detailed and intimate knowledge of the radiological requirements for finals, both for written and OSCE exams.
Chapter 1. Overview Of Imaging Modalities
Chapter 2. Hints And Tips For Finals Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Chapter 3. The Normal Chest X-ray
Chapter 4. The Normal Abdominal X-ray
Chapter 5. Thoracic Cases
Chapter 6. Cardiovascular Cases
Chapter 7. Abdomen And Pelvis Cases
Chapter 8. Musculoskeletal Cases
Chapter 9. Neurology Cases
Chapter 10. Paediatric Cases
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=84903
نویسنده : Edward Sellon , David Howlett
ناشر : CRC Press; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2018
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 585
(ISBN) شابک : 1498782167
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $36.55
حجم فایل : 28 MB
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