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Clinical Surgery Made Easy, 1ed
Clinical Surgery Made Easy is a quick reference, revision guide to clinical surgery for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Divided into thirteen chapters, the book discusses the examination, diagnosis and treatment of common surgical cases, in an easy to read, point format. Separate chapters are dedicated to surgical terminology and surgical anatomy. The final sections offer guidance on case presentation and provide typical case sheet examples. The final chapter is a university question bank allowing students to test their knowledge. Key points * Quick reference, revision guide to clinical surgery for undergraduate and postgraduate students * Covers examination, diagnosis and treatment of common surgical cases * Separate chapters dedicated to surgical terminology and anatomy * Includes university question bank, case presentation tips and examples * Presented in concise, easy to read, point format
About the Author
R Thirunavukarasu MS Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Vinayaka Missions Medical College, Karaikal, Puducherry, India
Chapter-01_Points in TAO
Chapter-02_Points in Hernia, Varicose Veins, Peptic Ulcer-GO
Chapter-03_Points in Hytlrocele
Chapter-04_Points in Thyroid, Obstructive Jauntlice, Carcinom
Chapter-05_Examination of Abdominal Lump
Chapter-06_Examination of Oral Cavity
Chapter-07_Important Surgical Terms
Chapter-08_Important Surgical Signs and Triads
Chapter-09_Important Surgical Anatomy
Chapter-10_Surgical Bits
Chapter-11_Case Presentation
Chapter-12_Typical Case Sheets
Chapter-13_University Question Bank