دانلود کتاب شاخص بازدارنده: مرجع مهارکننده های آنزیم، آنتاگونیستهای گیرنده، داروها، سموم، بیولوژی و داروهای گیاهی
The Inhibitor Index: A Desk Reference on Enzyme Inhibitors, Receptor Antagonists, Drugs, Toxins, Poisons, Biologics, and Therapeutic Leads, 1ed
Metabolic inhibitors and receptor antagonists are indispensable tools for the molecular life scientist. By blocking specific enzymes or receptor-mediated signal transduction cascades, they simplify the analysis of complex cellular processes especially when it is essential to demonstrate that a process of interest is functionally linked to a particular enzyme or receptor. From antibiotics to statins, modern medicine relies on the reliability and ease-of-use of enzyme- and receptor-directed inhibitors and antagonists.The Inhibitor Index is a comprehensive, curated compendium of over 7,800 enzyme inhibitors and receptor antagonists, including many toxins, poisons, and metabolic uncouplers.
- Comprehensive source for information of inhibitors, antagonists, blockers, toxins
- Presents structural, physical, and chemical properties and detailed information on mechanism of action
- Lists known off-target effects affecting experimental outcome and interpretation
- Each entry provides a curated bibliography, with best-practice recommendations and up-to-date citations.
About the Author
Dan Purich earned his Ph.D. for ground-breaking work on brain hexokinase, adenine nucleotide control, and multisubstrate inhibitors under Herbert Fromm at Iowa State University. After investigating the glutamine synthetase adenylylation cascade as an NIH Staff Fellow under Earl Stadtman, he joined the Chemistry Department at UC Santa Barbara. Awarded a Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry and NIH Research Career Development Award, Purich rose to full professor before moving to the University of Florida College of Medicine to become Chair of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. He served on the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, and Biophysical Chemistry editorial boards.
A – Z
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=66612
نویسنده : Daniel Purich
ناشر : CRC Press; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2017
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 1368
(ISBN) شابک : 1138739219
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $164.51
حجم فایل : 50 MB
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