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Macleod’s Clinical Examination, 15ed
Fifty years since it was first published and now fully revised, Macleod’s remains the textbook of choice for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and allied health practitioners who understand that excellence in clinical examination is integral to good practice.
The fifteenth edition will teach you how to take a history and carry out proficient clinical examination, in order to elicit the key clinical symptoms and signs of disease. It covers general principles, relevant history, examination and investigations for all the major body systems – and how to effectively apply these skills to specific clinical situations and prepare for assessment.
Macleod’s Clinical Examination is enhanced with 32 supplementary videos demonstrating key clinical examination routines described in the book, many new and revised for this edition in line with latest guidance and best practice.
- Primarily focused on the practical skills required by medical students and early career stage clinicians
- Explains the physical basis of clinical signs to aid understanding
- Introduces the formulation of a differential diagnosis
- Provides logical initial investigations for each body system
- Comes with access to the complete, fully searchable and downloadable eBook
- Enhanced sections on adapting skills to particular situations, including the challenges of remote consultation and infection control
- Updated text and images, to ensure the content is relevant to a diverse readership and patient population
- Latest clinical decision-making models to aid the learner’s diagnostic reasoning
۸ brand new videos produced especially for this edition covering:
- Obstetric examination
- Gynaecological examination
- Assessment of fluid balance
- Examination of the hand and wrist
- Examination of the foot and ankle
- Examination of the neck
- Examination of the foot in diabetes and peripheral vascular disease
- The timed up and go test
Classic textbook for developing the most essential of medical skills
۱. Managing clinical encounters with patients
۲. General aspects of history taking
۳. General aspects of examination
۴. The cardiovascular system
۵. The respiratory system
۶. The gastrointestinal system
۷. The nervous system
۸. The visual system
۹. The ear, nose and throat
۱۰. The endocrine system
۱۱. The reproductive system
۱۲. The renal system
۱۳. The musculoskeletal system
۱۴. The skin, hair and nails
۱۵. Babies and Children
۱۶. Patients with mental illness and learning disability
۱۷. The frail patient
۱۸. The deteriorating patient
۱۹. The dying patient
۲۰. Reaching and communicating a diagnosis
۲۱. Adapting skills for practice
۲۲. Preparing for assessment
جهت مشاهده نسخه همراه با ویدئوهای کامل کتاب کلیک کنید
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=350066
نویسنده : Anna R Dover PhD FRCP
ناشر : Elsevier; 15th edition
سال انتشار : 2024
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 452 به همراه کانتنت و ایندکس
(ISBN) شابک : 0323847706
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $64.51
حجم فایل : 85 MB
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