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Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine, 5ed
Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Peri-Operative Medicine is a highly practical textbook for trainees in anaesthesia and an invaluable guide for all those who work with anaesthetic equipment, including anaesthetic and intensive care nurses and operating department practitioners.
The superbly organized and easy-to read format of the book has been retained from previous editions. The text has been comprehensively updated and more focused on the FRCA with the addition of exam tips and new questions. A new chapter addresses the topical and ever expanding field of ‘Point of Care Testing’ in anaesthesia and intensive care. Clear colour photographs and illustrations as well as over 100 interactive self-assessment OSCE questions complete this concise account of anaesthetic equipment and its use in clinical settings.
Reviews of the previous edition
“A valuable source of information for those interested in learning about anaesthetic equipment and how the various types of product operate … easy to read, clearly laid out, and well-illustrated.”
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Chapter 1: Medical gas supply
Chapter 2: The anaesthetic machine
Chapter 3: Pollution in theatre and scavenging
Chapter 4: Breathing systems
Chapter 5: Tracheal tubesr tracheostomy tubes and airways
Chapter 6: Masks and oxygen delivery devices
Chapter 7: Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment
Chapter 8: Ventilators
Chapter 9: Humidification and filtration
Chapter 10: Non-invasive monitoring
Chapter 11: Invasive monitoring
Chapter 12: Pumpsr pain management and regional anaesthesia
Chapter 13: Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care
Chapter 14: Point-of-care testing
Chapter 15: Electrical safety
جهت مشاهده ویرایش ۲۰۲۴ این کتاب کلیک کنید
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=110896
نویسنده : Baha Al-Shaikh FCARCSI FRCA , Simon G. Stacey FRCA FFICM
ناشر : Elsevier; 5 edition
سال انتشار : 2019
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 297
(ISBN) شابک : 9780702071959
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $55.55
حجم فایل : 37 MB
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