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Active Learning Workbook for Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 12ed
Designed to accompany Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 12e, this unique active learning workbook reinforces the important concepts of the main text and provides hands-on practice in putting those concepts into practice. Each chapter provides an array of engaging skill builders to help students master the assessment, planning, treatment, communication, and documentation skills they need to succeed as dental hygienists.
Reflecting the changes in the main text, the 12th Edition is enhanced by a new user-friendly two-color design, an increased emphasis on critical thinking skills, and a stronger focus on helping students make the transition from the classroom to practice.
- A new title, “Active Learning Workbook,” emphasizes the book’s focus on preparing students to make the transition from learning to practice.
- A new 2-color design makes the book easier to use.
- New Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term boxes help students cpnduct effective and efficient PubMed literature searches.
- Revised crossword and word search puzzles increase student mastery.
Halmark Features:
- Everyday Ethics boxes include individual learning, cooperative learning, or discovery activities that challenge them to resolve the types of real ethical dilemmas they will face as practicing dental hygienists.
- Competency Questions ask students to apply their knowledge in analyzing assessment data, creating care plans, and documenting patient care.
- Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term boxes help students conduct effective, efficient PubMed literature searches.
- Knowledge exercises require students to define key terms, concepts, and principles and to answer questions based on text information.
- Crossword Puzzles and Word Searches reinforce terminology in a fun, interactive way.
- Discovery Activities build skills by asking students to find and analyze professional sources of current, evidence-based information.
- Questions Patients Askexercises require students to use their evidence-based decision-making skills to address patient concerns.
- Factors to Teach the Patient show students how to develop conversations with patients using motivational interviewing techniques.
- For Your Portfolio suggestions encourage readers to reflect on their growth as a dental hygiene professional by developing a portfolio that highlights individual talents, special skills, and competencies, resulting in an ideal tool for employment interviews or graduate education applications.
- Learning Objectives highlight key information in each chapter.
Chapter 1 The Professional Dental Hygienist
Chapter 2 Evidenced-Based Dental Hygiene Practice
Chapter 3 Effective Health Communication
Chapter 4 Infection Control: Transmissible Diseases
Chapter 5 Exposure Control: Barriers for Patient and Clinician
Chapter 6 Infection Control: Clinical Procedures
Chapter 7 Patient Reception and Ergonomic Practice
Chapter 8 Emergency Care
Chapter 9 Documentation for Dental Hygiene Care
Chapter 10 Personal, Dental, and Medical Histories”
Chapter 11 Vital Signs
Chapter 12 Extraoral and Intraoral Examination
Chapter 13 Dental Radiographic Imaging
Chapter 14 Study Models
Chapter 15 Dental Biofilm and Other Soft Deposits
Chapter 16 The Teeth
Chapter 17 The Occlusion
Chapter 18 The Periodontium
Chapter 19 Periodontal Disease Development
Chapter 20 Periodontal Examination
Chapter 21 Calculus
Chapter 22 Dental Stains and Discolorations
Chapter 23 Indices and Scoring Methods
Chapter 24 Planning for Dental Hygiene Care
Chapter 25 The Dental Hygiene Care Plan
Chapter 26 Preventive Counseling and Behavior Change
Chapter 27 Protocols for Prevention and Control of Dental Caries
Chapter 28 Toothbrushes and Toothbrushing
Chapter 29 Interdental Care and Irrigation
Chapter 30 Dentifrices and Mouthrinses
Chapter 31 The Patient with Orthodontic Appliances
Chapter 32 Care of Dental Prostheses
Chapter 33 The Patient with Dental Implants
Chapter 34 The Patient Who Uses Tobacco
Chapter 35 Diet and Dietary Analysis
Chapter 36 Fluorides
Chapter 37 Sealants
Chapter 38 Anxiety and Pain Control
Chapter 39 Instruments and Principles for Instrumentation
Chapter 40 Nonsurgical Periodontal Instrumentation
Chapter 41 Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: Supplemental Care Procedures
Chapter 42 Acute Periodontal Conditions
Chapter 43 Sutures and Dressings
Chapter 44 Dentin Hypersensitivity
Chapter 45 Extrinsic Stain Removal
Chapter 46 Tooth Bleaching
Chapter 47 Principles of Evaluation
Chapter 48 Continuing Care
Chapter 49 The Pregnant Patient & Infant
Chapter 50 The Pediatric Patient
Chapter 51 The Patient with a Cleft Lip and/or Palate
Chapter 52 The Patient with Endocrine Disorder or Hormonal Change
Chapter 53 The Older Adult Patient
Chapter 54 The Edentulous Patient
Chapter 55 The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient
Chapter 56 The Patient with Cancer
Chapter 57 The Patient with a Disability
Chapter 58 Dental Hygiene Care in Alternative Settings
Chapter 59 The Patient with a Physical Impairment
Chapter 60 The Patient with a Sensory Impairment
Chapter 61 The Patient with a Developmental or Behavioral Disorder
Chapter 62 Family Abuse and Neglect
Chapter 63 The Patient with a Seizure Disorder
Chapter 64 The Patient with a Psychiatric Disorder
Chapter 65 The Patient with a Substance-Related Disorder
Chapter 66 The Patient with a Respiratory Disease
Chapter 67 The Patient with a Cardiovascular Disease
Chapter 68 The Patient with a Blood Disorder
Chapter 69 The Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=99070
نویسنده : Charlotte J. Wyche RDH MS
ناشر : LWW; Twelfth edition
سال انتشار : 2017
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 441
(ISBN) شابک : 9781451195248
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $45.99
حجم فایل : 150 MB