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Case Studies in Pain Management, 1ed
Edited by internationally recognized pain experts, this unique book describes 73 real life clinical cases, each followed by discussion of pathogenesis, work-up, differential diagnosis and treatment options. Cases are divided into seven sub-topics: neurologic disorders, spinal disorders, musculoskeletal pain, visceral pain, headache and facial pain, cancer pain, and special topics such as pain in children and older adults. Discussions follow a question-and-answer format, facilitating learning and also enabling self-testing. Chapters are written by the foremost national and international leaders in the field of pain management, many of whom are pain program directors. Case Studies in Pain Management is an excellent learning source for trainees in pain management and a ‘must read’ for pain practitioners.
Book Description
Edited by internationally recognized pain experts, this unique book describes 73 real life clinical cases, each followed by discussion of pathogenesis, work-up, differential diagnosis and treatment options. Case Studies in Pain Management is an excellent learning source for trainees in pain management and a must read for pain practitioners.
About the Author
Alan David Kaye, MD, PhD is Professor and Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, Director Interventional Pain Services, LSU School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Rinoo V. Shah, MD, MBA is an Interventional Pain Physician and Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist at Guthrie Clinic, Sayre, PA, USA.
Section 1 Neurological Disorders
Section 2 Spinal Disorders
Section 3 Musculoskeletal Pain
Section 4 Visceral Pain
Section 5 Headaches and Facial Pain
Section 6 Cancer Pain
Section 7 Special Topics
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=72103
نویسنده : Alan David Kaye , Rinoo V. Shah
ناشر : Cambridge University Press; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 545
(ISBN) شابک : 1107682894
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $87.97
حجم فایل : 7 MB
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