دانلود کتاب شیمی زومدال
Chemistry 11th Edition

Learning chemistry is more than just memorizing facts and formulas. To be successful, you need to understand fundamental chemistry concepts and how to apply them to solve problems. CHEMISTRY, Eleventh Edition, will help you gain the tools you need to succeed in your chemistry course–and beyond. This trusted text has helped generations of students learn to “think like chemists,” developing critical-thinking and creative problem-solving skills to master even the most challenging problems. An engaging writing style, clear explanations and interactive examples help you build both skill and confidence, so you can study to understand rather than simply memorize. In addition, useful online resources and instant feedback in OWLv2 help bring the material to life and make learning even more effective.


۱. Chemical Foundations
۲. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
۳. Stoichiometry
۴. Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry
۵. Gases
۶. Thermochemistry
۷. Atomic Structure and Periodicity
۸. Bonding. General Concepts
۹. Covalent Bonding. Orbitals
۱۰. Liquids and Solids
۱۱. Properties of Solutions
۱۲. Chemical Kinetics
۱۳. Chemical Equilibrium
۱۴. Acids and Bases
۱۵. Acid-Base Equilibria
۱۶. Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria
۱۷. Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy
۱۸. Electrochemistry
۱۹. The Nucleus. A Chemist’s View
۲۰. The Representative Elements
۲۱. Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry
۲۲. Organic and Biological Molecules

قیمت : 15000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=458688
نویسنده : Steven Zumdahl
ناشر : Cengage Learning
سال انتشار : 2024
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF (نسخه اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 1218
(ISBN) شابک : 9780357850671
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $85.86
حجم فایل : 70 MB

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