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Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2ed
Using an easily accessible, highly templated format, Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2nd Edition, provides more than 100 realistic scenarios for tropical infectious diseases. Full-color photographs and maps, a convenient question-and-answer presentation, and succinct summary boxes help you identify and understand the tropical diseases you’re likely to encounter. This up-to-date 2nd Edition is an excellent resource and study tool for infectious diseases fellows, doctors preparing for exams in tropical medicine, primary care doctors with patients who are global travelers, and global health nurses and practitioners alike.
- Offers realistic scenarios for encountering patients in rural, resource-poor settings, presenting cases as “unknowns,” just as in a real clinic or emergency situation.
- Covers newly emerging diseases such as Zika virus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS), and knowlesi malaria.
- Features topics in migrant medicine of particular importance to clinicians in non-tropical countries, including louse-borne-relapsing fever, spinal brucellosis, and hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly.
- Includes “classic” tropical diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, chagas, leprosy, and yaws.
- Reflects the use of novel diagnostics used in resource-poor settings, as well as developing drug resistance in relevant cases.
“This book teaches us to be skilled but pragmatic clinicians, diagnose and treat common and rare conditions. It shows us how to take a simple history and a focussed examination, make efficient use of simple diagnostics tests and investigations which are available in settings with limited resources at your disposition. It covers the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of common conditions as well as the more complex, rare infectious diseases. Most of all, it teaches us to be empathic, and caring practitioners. It will remind you why you entered the caring profession in the first place.”
-Conor Maguire (National Immunisation Advisory Committee, Ireland)
High-yield, practical content focused on real-world tropical infectious disease cases
۱. A 20-Year-Old Woman from Sudan With Fever, Haemorrhage and Shock
۲. A 7-Year-Old Girl from Peru With a Chronic Skin Ulcer
۳. A 26-Year-Old Woman from Malawi with Headache, Confusion and Unilateral Ptosis
۴. A 4-Year-Old Girl from Uganda in a Coma
۵. A 4-Year-Old Boy from Laos With a Lesion of the Lip and Cheek
۶. A 36-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from Botswana With a Creeping Eruption
۷. A 28-Year-Old Male Fisherman from Malawi With Shortness of Breath
۸. A 26-Year-Old Female Traveller Returning from Ghana With a Boil on the Leg
۹. A 52-Year-Old Man from Vietnam With Evolving Shock
۱۰. A 55-Year-Old Indigenous Woman from Australia With a Widespread Exfoliating Rash and Sepsis
۱۱. A 45-Year-Old Male Security Guard from Malawi With Difficulties in Walking and Back Pain
۱۲. A 29-Year-Old Man from The Gambia With Genital Ulceration
۱۳. A 16-Year-Old Girl from Malawi With Fever and Abdominal Pain
۱۴. A 22-Year-Old Woman from Bangladesh With Profuse Watery Diarrhoea
۱۵. A 3-Year-Old Boy from Laos With Right Suppurative Parotitis
۱۶. A 25-Year-Old Female School Teacher from Malawi With Abrupt Onset of Fever and Confusion
۱۷. A 34-Year-Old Man from Thailand With Fever and a Papular Rash
۱۸. A 56-Year-Old Man Returning from a Trip to Thailand With Eosinophilia
۱۹. A 40-Year-Old Man from Togo With Subcutaneous Nodules and Corneal Opacities
۲۰. A 43-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from Mozambique With Fever and Eosinophilia
۲۱. A 35-Year-Old American Man With Fatigue and a Neck Lesion
۲۲. ۳۲-Year-Old Woman from Nigeria With Jaundice and Confusion
۲۳. A 31-Year-Old HIV-Positive Business Traveller With Cough, Shortness of Breath and Night Sweats
۲۴. A 14-Year-Old Boy from Rural Tanzania With Difficulty in Walking
۲۵. A 72-Year-Old Male Farmer from Laos With Extensive Skin Lesions on the Lower Leg
۲۶. A 14-Year-Old Boy from Malawi Who Has Been Bitten by a Snake
۲۷. A 16-Year-Old Boy from Sri Lanka With Fever, Jaundice and Renal Failure
۲۸. A 67-Year-Old Female Expatriate Living in Cameroon With Eosinophilia and Pericarditis
۲۹. A 35-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With Fever and Severe Anaemia
۳۰. A 12-Year-Old Boy from Rural Kenya With Painful Eyes
۸۰. A 62-Year-Old Man from Thailand With a Liver Mass
۸۱. A 33-Year-Old Refugee from Afghanistan With Recurrent Fever and Back Pain
۸۲. A 31-Year-Old Man from Guatemala With Acute Weakness and Numbness of the Leg
۸۳. An 18-Year-Old Man from India With a Pale Patch on His Right Upper Limb
۸۴. A 64-Year-Old Japanese Man With Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
۸۵. A 55-Year-Old Female Pig Farmer from Vietnam With Fever and Impaired Consciousness
۸۶. A 14-Year-Old Girl in the Solomon Islands With a Non-Healing Leg Ulcer
۸۷. A 27-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from the Peruvian Amazon With Persisting Polyarthralgias
۸۸. A 74-Year-Old Man from Japan With Fever, Nausea and Drowsiness
۸۹. A 30-Year-Old Woman from Bolivia With Exertional Dyspnoea
۹۰. A 55-Year-Old Couple Both Returning from Chile and Argentina With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
۹۱. A 20-Year-Old Male from India With Fever and Quadriparesis
۹۲. A 42-Year-Old Traveller Returning from Thailand With Fever and Thrombocytopenia
۹۳. A 35-Year-Old Male Logger from Peru With Fever, Jaundice and Bleeding
۹۴. A 20-Year-Old Woman from the Democratic Republic of the Congo With Fever and a Vesiculopustular Skin Rash
۹۵. A 42-Year-Old Male Refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo With Progressive Depression
۹۶. A 19-Year-Old Boy from India With Drooping, Diplopia and Dysphagia
۹۷. An 87-Year-Old Japanese Man With a Serpiginous Erythema on the Right Thigh
۹۸. A 17-Year-Old Boy from South India With a Fever and a Reduced Level of Consciousness
۹۹. A 43-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from the Australian Outback with Fever, Joint Pains and a Rash
۱۰۰. A 25-Year-Old Man from Ethiopia With a Nodular Rash
۱۰۱. A 46-Year-Old Male Traveller with Chronic Cough After a Trip to South America
۱۰۲. A 16-Year-Old Male Refugee from Somalia With High Fever and Slurred Speech
۱۰۳. A 43-Year-Old Man from Peru With a Chronic Fistulating Foot Lesion
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=299381
نویسنده : Camilla Rothe MD DTM&H
ناشر : Elsevier; 2nd edition
سال انتشار : 2022
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF (نسخه اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 330
(ISBN) شابک : 0702078794
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $79.96
حجم فایل : 45 MB