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ERCP 4th Edition

Recent years have brought major shifts in the way endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is used in everyday practice, including the incorporation of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) techniques with ERCP. The 4th Edition of this practical reference helps you make the most of today’s ERCP in your practice, with authoritative, highly illustrated guidance on every aspect of this complex tool, including coverage of the latest techniques both in print and on video.

  • Provides detailed, full-color illustrations and in-depth instructions for performing all procedures.
  • Depicts each procedure in dozens of step-by-step videos that clearly show ERCP techniques and imaging interpretation, including many new or recently improved procedures.
  • Covers recent advancements in balloon assisted endoscopy, and provides guidance on performing ERCP on patients with surgically altered anatomy.
  • Includes new chapters on endoscopic disinfection to address antibiotic resistant bacterial infections traced back to duodenoscopes; the environmental implications of ERCP; and magnetic biliary anastomosis.
  • Contains clear therapeutic guidelines that help you determine when and when not to perform ERCP.


Master the use of this challenging and important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreaticobiliary disorders


۱. ERCP—۵۰ years and beyond
۲. The ERCP room
۳. Radiologic issues and radiation safety in ERCP
۴. Endoscopes, guidewires, and accessories
۵. Duodenoscope reprocessing
۶. Environmental implications of ERCP/green endoscopy
۷. Sedation in ERCP
۸. Indications for and contraindications to ERCP
۹. Adverse events of ERCP: Prediction, prevention, and management
۱۰. ERCP training
۱۱. Preparation of the patient for ERCP
۱۲. Principles of electrosurgery
۱۳. Quality issues and measures in ERCP
۱۴. Medicolegal issues in ERCP
۱۵. Cannulation of the major papilla and access sphincterotomy
۱۶. Biliary sphincterotomy
۱۷. Balloon dilation of the native and postsphincterotomy papilla
۱۸. Stone extraction
۱۹. Pancreatic sphincterotomy
۲۰. Minor papilla cannulation and sphincterotomy
۲۱. Plastic pancreaticobiliary stents and nasopancreaticobiliary tubes: Concepts and insertion techniques
۲۲. Biliary metal stent insertion: Indications and insertion techniques
۲۳. Pancreaticobiliary stent retrieval
۲۴. Papillectomy/ampullectomy
۲۵. Pancreatoscopy
۲۶. Cholangioscopy
۲۷. ERCP and EUS in children
۲۸. ERCP in pregnancy
۲۹. ERCP in surgically altered anatomy
۳۰. Magnetic biliary anastomosis
۳۱. Endoscopic ultrasonography–guided biliary drainage
۳۲. Endoscopic ultrasound and EUS-guided endotherapy
۳۳. Pancreaticobiliary disorders: What are the roles of CT, MRCP, and EUS relative to ERCP?
۳۴. Pancreas divisum, biliary cysts, and other congenital anomalies
۳۵. Dilated bile duct and pneumobilia
۳۶. The dilated pancreatic duct
۳۷. Ampullary neoplasia
۳۸. Malignant biliary obstruction: Distal
۳۹. Malignant biliary obstruction of the hilum and proximal bile ducts
۴۰. Indeterminate biliary strictures
۴۱. Endoscopic approaches to concomitant malignant biliary obstruction and gastric outlet obstruction
۴۲. Benign biliary strictures
۴۳. Biliary surgery adverse events, including liver transplantation
۴۴. ERCP and EUS for acute and chronic adverse events of pancreatic surgery and pancreatic trauma
۴۵. Choledocholithiasis
۴۶. Pancreaticobiliary pain and suspected sphincter of oddi dysfunction
۴۷. Sclerosing cholangitis
۴۸. Tropical parasitic infestations
۴۹. Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis
۵۰. Cystic lesions of the pancreas to include ablation
۵۱. Unexplained acute pancreatitis and acute recurrent pancreatitis
۵۲. Biliary intervention in acute gallstone pancreatitis
۵۳. Pancreatic interventions in acute pancreatitis: Ascites, fistulae, leaks, and other disruptions
۵۴. Chronic pancreatitis: Stones and strictures
۵۵. Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts, abscesses, and walled-off necrosis

جهت مشاهده نسخه همراه با ویدئوهای کامل کتاب کلیک کنید

قیمت : 75000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=422924
نویسنده : Todd H. Baron MD
ناشر : Elsevier; 4th edition
سال انتشار : 2025
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : True PDF (بدون کاهش حجم و کیفیت تصاویر)
تعداد صفحات : 772 به همراه کانتنت و ایندکس
(ISBN) شابک : 0323933629
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $210.99
حجم فایل : 274 MB

دانلود کتاب ERCP 4th Edition

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