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Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology: The Science of Pollution, 4ed
An integrated analysis exploring current and relevant concepts, Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology: The Science of Pollution, Fourth Edition extends the dialogue further from the previous editions and beyond conventional ecosystems. It explores landscape, regional, and biospheric topics, communicating core concepts with subjects ranging from molecular to global issues. It addresses the increasing growth and complexity of ecotoxicological problems, contains additional vignettes, and employs input from a variety of experts in the field.
Divided into 14 chapters, the book begins with an overall history of the field. It details the essential features of the key contaminants of concern today, including their sources. It examines bioaccumulation, the effects of contaminants at increasing levels of ecological organization, and the regulatory aspects of the field addressing the technical issues of risk assessment. The author includes appendices illustrating important environmental laws and regulations, and compiles key terms not already identified by section headings in the glossary. He also provides suggested readings at the end of each chapter and presents study questions at the end of the book.
Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology: The Science of Pollution, Fourth Edition contains a broad overview of ecotoxicology, and provides a basic understanding of the field. Designed as a textbook for use in introductory graduate or upper-level undergraduate courses in ecotoxicology, applied ecology, environmental pollution, and environmental science, it can also be used as a general reference for practicing environmental toxicologists.
- Includes expanded instructor resources—additional homework problems, instructors’ manual, PowerPoint presentations, and supplemental images
- Provides new ecological case studies, including Fukushima and Gulf of Mexico accidents, and a broadened discussion of environmental law from different countries
- Contains additional expert vignettes, written by guest authors illustrating key themes or highlighting pertinent examples
۱. Introduction
۲. Major Classes of Contaminants
۳. Uptake, Biotransformation, Detoxification, Elimination, and Accumulation
۴. Factors Influencing Bioaccumulation
۵. Bioaccumulation from Food and Trophic Transfer
۶. Molecular Effects and Biomarkers
۷. Cells, Tissues, and Organs
۸. Sublethal Effects to Individuals
۹. Acute and Chronic Lethal Effects to Individuals
۱۰. Effects on Populations
۱۱. Effects to Communities and Ecosystems
۱۲. Landscape to Global Effects
۱۳. Risk Assessment of Contaminants
۱۴. Conclusions
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=72618
نویسنده : Michael C. Newman
ناشر : CRC Press; 4 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 663
(ISBN) شابک : $105.40
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $105.40
حجم فایل : 8 MB