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Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 23rd Edition

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Twenty Third Edition, offers a trusted, completely updated source of information for education, training, and development of pharmacists. Published for the first time with Elsevier, this edition includes coverage of biologics and biosimilars as uses of those therapeutics have increased substantially since the previous edition. Also discussed are formulations, drug delivery (including prodrugs, salts, polymorphism. With clear, detailed color illustrations, fundamental information on a range of pharmaceutical science areas, and information on new developments in industry, pharmaceutical industry scientists, especially those involved in drug discovery and development will find this edition of Remington an essential reference. Intellectual property professionals will also find this reference helpful to cite in patents and resulting litigations. Additional graduate and postgraduate students in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences will refer to this book in courses dealing with medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutics.

  • Contains a comprehensive source of principles of drug discovery and development topics, especially for scientists that are new in the pharmaceutical industry such as those with trainings/degrees in chemistry and engineering
  • Provides a detailed source for formulation scientists and compounding pharmacists, from produg to excipient issues
  • Updates this excellent source with the latest information to verify facts and refresh on basics for professionals in the broadly defined pharmaceutical industry


“In the foreword, the editor-in-chief recognizes the breadth of topics that the title seeks to address and notes that this title, in its entirety, may not be needed by all learners and practitioners. That being said, there is no better reference than this title as a base reference/learning resource for pharmaceutics/pharmaceutical applications with further information on which to build for clinical application and knowledge.” –Doody

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy Completely revised, comprehensive source examining the principles of drug discovery and development topics


Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Natural Products
Section 3: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Section 4: Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics
Section 5: Pharmaceutics
Section 6: Biopharmaceutics
Section 7: Pharmaceutical Materials and Devices/Industrial Pharmacy
Section 8: Topics in Translational Research
Section 9: Pharmacy Practice
Section 10: Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy

قیمت : 10000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=412411
نویسنده : Adeboye Adejare PhD
ناشر : Academic Press; 23rd edition
سال انتشار : 2021
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 983
(ISBN) شابک : 0128200073
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $133.00
حجم فایل : 55 MB

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