دانلود کتاب طب سالمندان و پیر شناسی براکِلهرست (ویرایش ۲۰۱۷)
Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8ed

The leading reference in the field of geriatric care, Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8th Edition, by Drs. Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, and John B. Young, provides a contemporary, global perspective on topics of importance to today’s gerontologists, internal medicine physicians, and family doctors. An increased focus on frailty, along with coverage of key issues in gerontology, disease-specific geriatrics, and complex syndromes specific to the elderly, makes this 8th Edition the reference you’ll turn to in order to meet the unique challenges posed by this growing patient population.

    • Consistent discussions of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and more make reference quick and easy.
    • More than 250 figures, including algorithms, photographs, and tables, complement the text and help you find what you need on a given condition.
  • Clinical relevance of the latest scientific findings helps you easily apply the material to everyday practice.
    • A new chapter on frailty, plus an emphasis on frailty throughout the book, addresses the complex medical and social issues that affect care, and the specific knowledge and skills essential for meeting your patients’ complex needs.
    • New content brings you up to date with information on gerontechnology, emergency and pre-hospital care, HIV and aging, intensive treatment of older adults, telemedicine, the built environment, and transcultural geriatrics.
  • New editor Professor John Young brings a fresh perspective and unique expertise to this edition.


“This book scores highly on all fronts and succinctly covers all the bases. It is not just a textbook of general medicine in the elderly; it specifically looks at areas that uniquely affects the older patient. So step forwards this excellent book which certainly provides a superb insight into the practice of medicine in the elderly population. Although in its 7th edition, the book is moving with the times, it has three editors, one from the USA, UK and Canada and a wide range of contributors from both sides of the Atlantic.”

Dr Harry Brown February 2011

“The most well-established geriatric medicine and gerontology textbook [is] now in it’s 7th edition.  The combination of a general gerontology introduction with geriatric medicine remains a successful formula, and the access to the online text is a valuable bonus.”

Desmond O’Neill, Oxford Journals April 2011


۱ Introduction
۲ The Epidemiology of Aging
۳ The Future of Old Age
۴ Successful Aging
۵ Evolution Theory and the Mechanisms of Aging
۶ Methodologic Challenges of Research in Older People
۷ Geroscience
۸ Genetic Mechanisms of Aging
۹ CeUular Mechanisms of Aging
۱۰ The Premature Aging Syndrome
۱۱ The Neurobiology of Aging: Free Radical Stress and Metabolic Pathways
۱۲ Allostasis and Allostatic Overload In the Context of Aging
۱۳ Neuroendoainology of Aging
۱۴ Frailty
۱۵ Aging and Deficit Accumulation
۱۶ Effects of Aging on the cardiovascular System
۱۷ Age-Related Changes in the Respiratory System
۱۸ Neurologic Signs in Older Adults
۱۹ Connective Tissues and Aging
۲۰ Bone and Joint Aging
۲۱ Aging and the Gastrointestinal System
۲۲ Aging of the Urinary Tract
۲۳ Endocrinology of Aging
۲۴ Aging .and the Blood
۲۵ Aging and the Skin
۲۶ The Pharmacology of Aging
۲۷ Antiaging Medicine
۲۸ Normal Cognitive Aging*
۲۹ Social Gerontology
۳۰ Social vulnerability in Old Age
۳۱ The Agin.g Personality and SeW
۳۲ Productive Aging
۳۳ Presentation of l;lisease in Old Age
۳۴ Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment
۳۵ Laboratory Diagnosis and Geriatrics
۳۶ Social Assessment of Older Patients
۳۷ Surgery and Anesthesia in the Frail Older Patient
۳۸ Measuring Outcomes of Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment Programs
۳۹ Chronic cardiac Failure
۴۰ Diagnosis and Management of Coronary Artery Disease
۴۱ Practical Issues in the care of Frail Older cardiac Patients
۴۲ Hypertension
۴۳ Valvular Heart Disease
۴۴ cardiac Arrhythmias
۴۵ Syncope
۴۶ Vascular Surgery
۴۷ Venous Thromboembolism in Older Adults
۴۸ Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
۴۹ Nonobstructive Lung Disease and Thoracic Tumors
۵۰ Classification of the Dementias
۵۱ Neuropsychology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia
۵۲ Alzhemer Disease
۵۳ Vascular Cognitive Disorders
۵۴ Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
۵۵ Delirium
۵۶ Mental Illness in Older Adults
۵۷ InteUectual Disability in Older Adults
۵۸ Epile-psy
۵۹ Headache and Facial P.ain
۶۰ Stroke
۶۱ Stroke
۶۲ Long-Tenm Stroke care
۶۳ Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
۶۴ Parkinsonism and Other Movement Disorders
۶۵ Neuromuscular Disorders*
۶۶ Intracranial Tumors
۶۷ Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Nerve Roots
۶۸ Central Nervous System Infections
۶۹ Arthritis ·in Older Adults
۷۰ Metabolic Bone Disease
۷۱ Orthopedic Geriatrics
۷۲ Sarcopenia
۷۳ The Pancreas
۷۴ The Liver
۷۵ Biliary Tract Diseases
۷۶ The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
۷۷ The Small Bowel
۷۸ The Large Bowel
۷۹ Nutrition and Aging
۸۰ Obesity
۸۱ Diseases of the Aging Kidney
۸۲ Disorders of Water and Electrolyte Metabolism
۸۳ The Prostate
۸۴ Aging Males and Testosterone
۸۵ Gynecologic Disorders in Older Women
۸۶ Breast cancer
۸۷ Adrenal and Pituitary Disorders
۸۸ Disorders of the Thyroid
۸۹ Disorders of the Parathyroid Glands
۹۰ Diabetes Mellitus
۹۱ Blood Disorders in Older Adults
۹۲ Geriatric Oncology
۹۳ Clinical Immunology
۹۴ Skin Disease and Old Age
۹۵ Aging and Disorders of the Eye
۹۶ Disorders of Hearing
۹۷ Health Promotion for Community-Living Older Adults
۹۸ Sexuality in Old Age
۹۹ Physical Activity for Successful Aging
۱۰۰ Rehabilitation
۱۰۱ Geriatric Pharmacotherapy and Polypharmacy
۱۰۲ Impaired Mobility
۱۰۳ Falls
۱۰۴ Podiatry
۱۰۵ Constipation and Fecal Incontinence in Old Age
۱۰۶ Urinary Incontinence
۱۰۷ Pressure Ulcers
۱۰۸ Sleep in Relation to Aging, Frailty, and Cognition
۱۰۹ Malnutrition in Older Adults
۱۱۰ Geriatric Dentistry
۱۱۱ Pain in the Older Adult
۱۱۲ The Mistreatment and Neglect of Frail Older People*
۱۱۳ HIV and Aging
۱۱۴ Palliative Medicine for the Older Patient
۱۱۵ Ethical Issues in Geriatric Medicine
۱۱۶ Managing Frailty
۱۱۷ Geriatric Emergency and Prehospital care
۱۱۸ Acute Hospital Care for Frail Older Adults
۱۱۹ Intensive Care Medicine in Older Adults
۱۲۰ Geriatric Medicine in Europe
۱۲۱ Geriatric Medicine in North America
۱۲۲ Geriatrics in Asia
۱۲۳ Geriatrics in Latin America
۱۲۴ Medical Care for Older Long-Term Care Residents in the United Kingdom
۱۲۵ Institutional Long-Term Care in the United States
۱۲۶ Education in Geriatric Medicine
۱۲۷ Improving Quality of care for Older People in England
۱۲۸ Quality Initiatives Aimed at Improving Medicare
۱۲۹ Managed care for Older Americans
۱۳۰ Telemedicine Applications in Geriatrics
۱۳۱ Gerontechnology
۱۳۲ Optimizing the Bu11t Environment for Frail Older Adults
۱۳۳ Transcultural Geriatrics

قیمت : 4000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=35670
نویسنده : Howard M. Fillit MD , Kenneth Rockwood MD FRCPC
ناشر : Elsevier; 8 edition
سال انتشار : 2017
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 1498
(ISBN) شابک : 0702061859
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $248.42
حجم فایل : $248.42


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