Biotoxins are naturally occurring substances present in living organisms as a way of conferring biological defense or protection on such organisms. But their presence…
Environmental and Food Virology Enteric pathogenic viruses are a major challenge in public health, as they represent a major concern with a severe global…
Provide optimal nutritional care with the latest guidelines to evidence-based practice! Krause and Mahan’s Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 16th Edition provides an…
Like its predecessors, the new and updated edition of Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and Metabolism is an essential textbook for advanced undergraduate and first-year…
Lawrie's Meat Science Ninth Edition continues to be a classic reference in the meat world. It has been used by numerous generations of meat…
An accessible overview of the varied microorganisms of the gut The human gut contains an extraordinary array of microorganisms existing in intricate symbiosis with…
Indigenous Fermented Foods for the Tropics provides insights on fermented foods of the Tropics, particularly Africa, Asia and South America, highlighting key aspects and…
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues explores the topic of food across multiple disciplines within the social sciences and related areas including business, consumerism,…
Nuts and dried fruits are part of our daily diet. They are consumed whole or as ingredients of many food products such as muffins,…
The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health, Sixth Edition presents both overviews and in-depth discussions of the sources, chemistry, metabolism and functions of…
Ultrasound has emerged as one of the most promising green, low-cost and easy-to-implement on-line technologies, which can be used in different disciplines. Thus, low-intensity…
This book explores the recent advances and integrations in molecular technology in food research platforms, which have revolutionized the way we discover and trace…