Due to the differences in the neurophysiology and cranial development of infants and children, the anesthetist's approach to the pediatric neurosurgical patient cannot simply be modelled on that for adults. Infants and children undergoing anesthesia for neurosurgical procedures therefore present…
This updated second edition of Gupta and Gelb's Essentials of Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care contains the ideal combination of updated information for the practitioner, presented in easy-to-digest short chapters. With an essential clinical focus on key neuroanesthesia and neurointensive care…
Essentials of Neuroanesthesia offers useful insights on the anesthetic management of neurosurgical and neurologic patients. This book covers all topics related to neuroanesthesia, providing essential knowledge on the brain and spinal cord. Sections include chapters on anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology,…
Core Topics in Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care is an authoritative and practical clinical text that offers clear diagnostic and management guidance for a wide range of neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care problems. With coverage of every aspect of the discipline by…
This book will provide all the basic details of neuroanaesthesia and how management of different neurosurgical cases may differ. Simple issues such as neurological examination of patient, understanding CT-scan and MRI scans along with anaesthetic management are discussed in simple…