دانلود کتاب آزمایشگاه بالینی بانک خون و پزشکی انتقال خون | بوک باز

دانلود کتاب پزشکی انتقال خون عملی<br>Practical Transfusion Medicine, 6ed

دانلود کتاب پزشکی انتقال خون عملی
Practical Transfusion Medicine, 6ed

The pace of change in transfusion medicine is relentless, with new scientific and technological developments and continuing efforts to improve transfusion practice. This sixth edition of Practical Transfusion Medicine has been updated significantly to reflect the rapid changes in transfusion…
دانلود کتاب آزمایشگاه بالینی بانک خون و پزشکی انتقال خون <br>Clinical Laboratory Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Practices, 1ed

دانلود کتاب آزمایشگاه بالینی بانک خون و پزشکی انتقال خون
Clinical Laboratory Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Practices, 1ed

Clinical Laboratory Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine: Principles and Practices provides readers with the didactic foundation, background, and tools to successfully function in a typical transfusion medicine laboratory. The text’s teaching and learning package includes an Instructor’s Manual, lecture slides,…