Spinal Fusion Techniques, a volume in the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the latest interventional techniques for treating patients with chronic pain as…
The era of big data and personalized spine care has arrived. Within that, imaging and clinical phenotypes are key in establishing personalized algorithms for patient care. This is particularly important in developing novel diagnostics and therapeutics as well as predicting…
Neuromodulation Techniques for the Spine, a volume in the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform spinal nerve stimulation procedures for patients with chronic pain.…
This comprehensive text covers the surgical treatment of the spine from ‘head-to-toe’. The text serves as a state-of-the-art one stop shop for the reader. It is appropriate for students, trainees or seasoned veterans. The book begins in the cervical region,…
Unique in the field, Comparative Management of Spine Pathology presents commonly encountered spinal cases with side-by-side, case-by-case comparisons that clearly show how various experts would handle the same case. This second volume in the Neurosurgery: Case Management Comparison Series offers…
Linking theory to practice through the use of authentic clinical cases, Dr. Steven D. Waldman’s Pain Medicine: A Case-Based Learning Series helps readers acquire the valuable skill of effective diagnostic thinking in daily practice. The Spine volume uses an in-depth…
Up to date and evidence-based answers to a wide range of spinal surgical questions that could be asked in the FRCS (Tr & Orth) Viva exam. Using a clear, case-based structure key points emphasise the core information that will improve…
Offering in-depth coverage of an often-neglected topic, Revision Lumbar Spine Surgery identifies clinical problems and discusses recent major advances in this challenging area. Dr. Robert F. Heary and a team of international experts share their knowledge and experience with even the most difficult lumbar cases,…
The quintessential guide to state-of-the-art instrumentation in minimally invasive spine surgery In recent decades, technological innovations in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) have revolutionized spine surgery. The integration of devices tailored to MIS spine techniques has allowed spine surgeons to tackle…
Written and edited by world-renowned experts in the field, Benzel’s Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance and Management, 5th Edition, provides expert, step-by-step guidance on the evaluation and management of disorders of the spine. This definitive, two-volume work explores the full spectrum of techniques used…
Written and edited by world-renowned experts in the field, Benzel’s Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance and Management, 5th Edition, provides expert, step-by-step guidance on the evaluation and management of disorders of the spine. This definitive, two-volume work explores the full spectrum of techniques used…
For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Spine Secrets Plus, 3rd Edition, by Dr.…