Welcome to the new gold standard in critical care transport training. Published in conjunction with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), Critical Care Transport offers cutting edge content relevant to any…
Avast majority of patients present to the ICUs with sepsis and septic shock. Delay in recognition and initiation of therapy with inappropriate antimicrobials worsen the course of illness, in the form of multiorgan failure and leads to increased need for…
Handbook of Cardiac Critical Care and Anaesthesia provides clinical tips on the management of common emergencies that are regularly faced by critical care and acute care cardiologists in resource-limited settings. Based on the current guidelines, it explores the evaluation of…
Practical Emergency Resuscitation and Critical Care A fully revised second edition of a practical, easy-to-read and evidence-based text to assist healthcare professionals in the approach to the unstable and critically ill patient. Divided into sections by clinical scenario, the book…
In Clinical Cases in Critical Care, the authors explore core clinical topics and basic sciences in a practical and realistic way, and include comprehensive discussions focusing on critically unwell patients with a variety of presentations and underlying disorders, including COVID-19,…
Critical Care Compendium Uncommon clinical problems can present serious challenges in any medical specialty, particularly in those areas providing acute care. Bringing together all uncommon problems relevant to the treatment of seriously ill patients in a quick one-stop reference, this…
Don’t let emergency medicine stump you. Learn how to perform some of the most essential procedures in emergency medicine—from lumbar punctures and vertigo maneuvers to transvenous pacing and defibrillation—so you can diagnose and treat important conditions with confidence. We’ll teach…
Careful monitoring of at-risk patients, early intervention, and timely escalation to the critical care unit from a general ward has been shown to improve patient clinical outcomes. The first text of its kind in this important area, Rapid Response Events in the Critically…
The objective and endeavor of the manual remain to enhance knowledge and strengthen clinical practice in Critical Care Update 2022. The manual broadly covers depths of scientific topics over all major organ systems and global current critical care practices. It…
A case-based guide with expert commentary, Challenging Concepts in Critical Care shows how the experts approach and deal with real-life clinical scenarios. Each chapter presents a clinically challenging case complete with a case history, evidence based tips, and up-to-date learning…
The ever-expanding knowledge base and rapidly evolving clinical management guidelines demand a comprehensive and updated textbook for critical care physicians. In the international edition of The Washington Manual* of Critical Care, Marin H. Kollef, Warren Isakow, A. Cole Burks, and…
Blood gas tests are a group of tests that are widely used and essential for the evaluation and management of a patient’s ventilation, oxygenation, and acid-base balance, often in emergent situations, and along with blood gases are other critical care…