Preclinical Pathology Review 2023: For USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX-USA Level 1 The only official Kaplan Preclinical Pathology Review 2023 covers the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam and match into the residency of your choice. Up-to-date: Updated…
Cardiovascular Pathology, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive treatise on the pathology of cardiovascular diseases, combining presentations of detailed pathology of cardiovascular diseases coupled with contemporary insights into etiology and pathogenesis. Twenty-two chapters cover general topics, including cardiovascular genetics, heart failure,…
Recent advances in computational algorithms, along with the advent of whole slide imaging as a platform for embedding artificial intelligence (AI), are transforming pattern recognition and image interpretation for diagnosis and prognosis. Yet most pathologists have just a passing knowledge…
premier medical institutes of the country has been the ultimate dream of every medical student. To make this dream a reality— chieving success in Postgraduate Medical Entrance Exams (PGMEE) and to be able to pursue a specialty of choice in…
Readable, well-illustrated, and concise, Robbins and Kumar’s Basic Pathology, 11th Edition, offers today’s busy students a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts from trusted names in the field. This updated edition thoroughly covers key pathologic processes and the time-honored…
Readable, well-illustrated, and concise, Robbins and Kumar’s Basic Pathology, 11th Edition, offers today’s busy students a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts from trusted names in the field. This updated edition thoroughly covers key pathologic processes and the time-honored…
A 77-year-old man phones ‘999’ after experiencing severe backache. The paramedics arrive to find him in severe pain, and cold and clammy. While at his house, they note that he smokes and also elicit a history of hypertension. He is…
Considered by many in the pathology field as the essential quick reference guide, the Quick Compendium of Clinical Pathology has long been the preferred clinical pathology Board exam study guide for many residency program directors and pathology residents. And as…
For today’s nephrologist who is tasked with diagnosing a wide range of renal pathologic entities, Diagnostic Atlas of Renal Pathology is a must-have reference for everyday use. The updated Diagnostic Atlas of Renal Pathology 4th Edition offers an in-depth examination…
Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th Edition, the full-color Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology offers more than 1,800 outstanding illustrations that vividly depict the most common diseases covered in pathology courses and USMLE exams. Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology Covering…
Now in its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology is the concise and rapidly accessible guide to general pathologic principles, and the pathology behind common and important conditions across all the major medical and surgical specialties. Fully updated…
Now completely updated with the latest classifications of breast pathology and molecular diagnosis, David J. Dabbs’ Breast Pathology, 2nd Edition, remains your go-to source for integrated, comprehensive coverage of this fast-changing field. Written by internationally acclaimed pathologists, this definitive reference…