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Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery, 2ed + Video
Highlighting new and highly sought-after procedures in day-to-day plastic surgery practice, Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery, 2nd Edition, covers key areas of reconstructive, aesthetic, hand, and pediatric plastic surgery―all modified to provide streamlined detail of anatomy, workup, and procedural steps. This unique reference, derived from Dr. Peter C. Neligan’s 6-volume award-winning masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 4th Edition, provides the high-yield, highly visual guidance you need to confidently perform these procedures and achieve optimal outcomes.
- Covers key concepts of anatomy, relevant techniques, and information about preoperative and postoperative care and potential complications.
- Provides quick access to highly templated, bulleted procedures, as well as full-color photos and new procedural videos, including lipoabdominoplasty, post-bariatric, and a variety of facelift techniques.
- Features new chapters covering the forehead, body contouring, and liposuction and fat grafting, reflecting a growing demand for aesthetic procedures and excellent outcomes.
- Includes fundamental procedures such as open and closed rhinoplasty, abdominal wall reconstruction, expander/implant reconstruction of the breast, local flaps for facial coverage (including cheek and lip reconstruction), cleft lip and cleft palate repair, flexor tendon reconstructions, and more.
- Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
About the Author
۱. Blepharoplasty
۲. Facelift
۳. Forehead
۴. Rhinoplasty
۵. Otoplasty
۶. Abdominoplasty
۷. Body Contouring
۸. Lipo
۹. Facial injuries
۱۰. Local flaps for facial coverage
۱۱. Cleft lip repair
۱۲. Cleft palate
۱۳. Lower extremity reconstruction
۱۴. Chest reconstruction
۱۵. Back reconstruction
۱۶. Abdominal wall reconstruction
۱۷. Breast augmentation
۱۸. Mastopexy
۱۹. Reduction mammaplasty
۲۰. Implant based breast reconstruction
۲۱. Autologous breast reconstruction using abdominal flaps
۲۲. Essential anatomy of the upper extremity
۲۳. Examination of the upper extremity
۲۴. Flexor tendon injury and reconstruction
۲۵. Nerve transfers ONLINE
۲۶. Tendon transfers in the upper extremity ONLINE
۲۷. Extensor tendon injuries
Video Contents
۱. ۱.۱ Periorbital rejuvenation
۲. ۲.۱ Anterior incision
۳. ۲.۲ Posterior incision
۴. ۲.۳ Facelift skin ?ap
۵. ۲.۴ Platysma SMAS plication
۶. ۲.۵ Loop sutures MACS facelift
۷. ۲.۶ The high SMAS technique with septal reset
۸. ۲.۷ Facelift – Subperiosteal mid facelift endoscopic temporo-midface
۹. ۲.۸ Facelift – Subperiosteal midface lift
۱۰. ۴.۱ Open technique rhinoplasty
۱۱. ۶.۱ Abdominoplasty
۱۲. ۶.۲ Lipoabdominoplasty (including secondary lipo)
۱۳. ۶.۳ Post bariatric reconstruction – bodylift procedure
۱۴. ۷.۱ Post-bariatric reconstruction: bodylift procedure
۱۵. ۸.۱ Structural fat grafting
۱۶. ۱۰.۱ Facial artery perforator ?ap
۱۷. ۱۰.۲ Local ?aps for facial coverage
۱۸. ۱۱.۱ Repair of unilateral cleft lip
۱۹. ۱۱.۲ Unilateral cleft lip repair – anatomic subunit approximation technique
۲۰. ۱۱.۳ Repair of bilateral cleft lip
۲۱. ۱۳.۱ Alternative ?ap harvest
۲۲. ۱۶.۱ Component separation innovation
۲۳. ۱۷.۱ Endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation
۲۴. ۱۷.۲ Endoscopic approaches to the breast
۲۵. ۱۸.۱ Circum areola mastopexy
۲۶. ۱۸.۲ Preoperative markings for a single-stage augmentation mastopexy
۲۷. ۱۹.۱ Spair technique
۲۸. ۱۹.۲ Marking the SPAIR mammaplasty
۲۹. ۱۹.۳ Breast reduction surgery
۳۰. ۱۹.۴ Ultrasound-assisted liposuction
۳۱. ۲۰.۱ Mastectomy and expander insertion: first stage
۳۲. ۲۰.۲ Mastectomy and expander insertion: second stage
۳۳. ۲۰.۳ Acellular dermal matrix
۳۴. ۲۰.۴ Pectoralis muscle elevation
۳۵. ۲۰.۵ Sizer
۳۶. ۲۰.۶ Latissimus dorsi ?ap technique
۳۷. ۲۰.۷ Markings
۳۸. ۲۰.۸ Intraoperative skin paddles
۳۹. ۲۰.۹ Tendon division
۴۰. ۲۰.۱۰ Transposition and skin paddles
۴۱. ۲۰.۱۱ Inset and better skin paddle explanation
۴۲. ۲۱.۱ Pedicle TRAM breast reconstruction
۴۳. ۲۱.۲ The muscle sparing free TRAM ?ap
۴۴. ۲۱.۳ SIEA
۴۵. ۲۱.۴ DIEP ?ap breast reconstruction
۴۶. ۲۳.۱ Flexor profundus test in a normal long fnger
۴۷. ۲۳.۲ Flexor sublimis test in a normal long fnger
۴۸. ۲۳.۳ Extensor pollicis longus test in a normal person
۴۹. ۲۳.۴ Test for the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscle in a normal hand
۵۰. ۲۳.۵ Test for assessing thenar muscle function
۵۱. ۲۳.۶ The “cross fngers” sign
۵۲. ۲۳.۷ Static two point discrimination test (s-2PD test)
۵۳. ۲۳.۸ Moving 2PD test (m-2PD test) performed on the radial or ulnar aspect of the fnger
۵۴. ۲۳.۹ Semmes-Weinstein monoflament test
۵۵. ۲۳.۱۰ Allen’s test in a normal person
۵۶. ۲۳.۱۱ Digital Allen’s test
۵۷. ۲۳.۱۲ Scaphoid shift test
۵۸. ۲۳.۱۳ Dynamic tenodesis effect in a normal hand
۵۹. ۲۳.۱۴ The milking test of the fngers and thumb in a normal hand
۶۰. ۲۳.۱۵ Eichhoff test
۶۱. ۲۳.۱۶ Adson test
۶۲. ۲۳.۱۷ Roos test
۶۳. ۲۴.۱ Zone II ?exor tendon repair
۶۴. ۲۴.۲ Incision and feed tendon forward
۶۵. ۲۴.۳ Distal tendon exposure
۶۶. ۲۴.۴ Six-strand M-tang repair
۶۷. ۲۴.۵ Extension-?exion test – wide awake
۶۸. ۲۵.۱ Scratch collapse test of ulnar nerve
۶۹. ۲۶.۱ EIP to EPL tendon transfer
۷۰. ۲۷.۱ Sagittal band reconstruction
۷۱. ۲۷.۲ Setting the tension in extensor indicis transfer
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=137012
نویسنده : Peter C. Neligan MB FRCS(I) FRCSC FACS
ناشر : Elsevier; 2 edition
سال انتشار : 2020
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 527
(ISBN) شابک : 0323546978
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $169.99
حجم فایل : 3700 MB