دانلود کتاب اصول و عملکرد نورولوژی کودک در دوران شیرخوارگی
Principles and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy, 2ed

The scope of the book includes all neurological problems in infancy. In the first half, it sets out in a succinct format the principles of working with families, of clinical assessment, of the use of investigations and treatments, and of evidence-based medicine. The second, symptom-based half of the book provides detailed guidance on the practice of child neurology in infancy. The authors are distinguished experts drawn from all over Europe. The contributors have approached their chapters using an accessible, didactic style and consistent organization of material. The emphasis throughout is on clinical methods, the use of appropriate investigations and treatments, and the avoidance of unnecessary or potentially harmful interventions. For quick reference, all chapters feature boxes highlighting key messages, common errors, and when to worry. The book is designed to be carried round as a handy reference.

About the Author

Colin Kennedy studied Psychology and Medicine in Oxford and London and, as a postgraduate, in London, Southampton and Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. He was the founding paediatric neurologist and, for 25 years, clinical lead of the Southampton-based service. He led a series of studies that established the benefit of universal newborn hearing screening and the introduction of patient/parent reported outcomes into European treatment trials for and clinical care of children with brain tumours. He is past president of the BPNA and the EPNS. He works with WHO to ‘level up’ the health care of children with neurological problems across WHO Europe.


۱ Terms, definitions, and concepts
۲ Interprofessional working:user and carer involvement
۳ Clinical epidemiology andevidence-based medicine
۴ Promoting child development
۵ The neonatal examination and neurodevelopmentaAssessment
۶ Neurological examinationbeyond the neonatal period
۷ Prevention, vaccination, andscreening
۸ Cranial imaging
۹ Neurophysiology
۱۰ Biochemical and haematological testing
۱۱ Genetic testing
۱۲ Drug treatments: drugs,vitamins, and minerals
۱۳ Nonpharmacological treatment
۱۴ Birth asphyxia and other acute encephalopathies in thenewborn infant
۱۵ Inherited metabolicencephalopathies of infancy
۱۶ Neonatal seizures
۱۷ Acute encephalopathy andtraumatic brain injury
۱۸ Stroke
۱۹ Acute neurological illness with fever: meningitis, encephalitis, and infective space-occupying lesions
۲۰ Postneonatal epileptic seizures
۲۱ Nonepileptic paroxysmadisorders in infancy
۲۲ Microcephaly, includingcongenital infections
۲۳ Macrocephaly, includinghydrocephalus andbrain tumours
۲۴ The floppy infant
۲۵ Infant sleep and behaviour
۲۶ Early developmental impairment and neurological abnomnalltiesat birth
۲۷ Cerebral palsy
۲۸ Central nervous systemdisorders of movement other than cerebral palsy
۲۹ Progressive loss of skills

قیمت : 3000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=259817
نویسنده : Colin Kennedy
ناشر : Mac Keith Press; 2nd edition
سال انتشار : 2020
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 574
(ISBN) شابک : 191161200X
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $68.28
حجم فایل : 12 MB

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