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Berne & Levy Physiology, 8ed + Video

Pairing necessary detail with concise readability, Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body’s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples―all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians.

  • Uses a logical, organ system-based approach that clearly describes all of the mechanisms that control and regulate bodily function.
  • Includes new clinical case examples, as well as In the Clinic and At the Molecular Level boxes that highlight practical aspects of this fundamental science.
  • Provides key experimental observations and examples that offer a rich understanding of the body’s dynamic processes.
  • Discusses recent discoveries such as the role of lymphatics in the nervous system.
  • Begins each chapter with a bulleted list of questions and ends with key concepts covered in that chapter.


Outstanding physiology coverage in a “just right” size


۱. Principles of Cell and Membrane Function
۲. Homeostasis: Volume and Composition of Body Fluid Compartments
۳. Signal Transduction, Membrane Receptors, Second Messengers, and Regulation of Gene Expression
۴. The Nervous System: Introduction to Cells and Systems
۵. Generation and Conduction of Action Potentials
۶. Synaptic Transmission
۷. The Somatosensory System
۸. The Special Senses
۹. Organization of Motor Function
۱۰. Integrative Functions of the Nervous System
۱۱. The Autonomic Nervous System and Its Central Control
۱۲. Skeletal Muscle Physiology
۱۳. Cardiac Muscle
۱۴. Smooth Muscle
۱۵. Overview of Circulation
۱۶. Elements of Cardiac Function
۱۷. Properties of the Vasculature
۱۸. Regulation of the Heart and Vasculature
۱۹. Integrated Control of the Cardiovascular System
۲۰. Introduction to the Respiratory System
۲۱. Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics
۲۲. Dynamic Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics
۲۳. Ventilation, Perfusion, and Ventilation/Perfusion Relationships
۲۴. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport
۲۵. Control of Respiration
۲۶. Host Defense and Metabolism in the Lung
۲۷. Functional Anatomy and General Principles of Regulation in the Gastrointestinal Tract
۲۸. The Cephalic, Oral, and Esophageal Phases of the Integrated Response to a Meal
۲۹. The Gastric Phase of the Integrated Response to a Meal
۳۰. The Small Intestinal Phase of the Integrated Response to a Meal
۳۱. The Colonic Phase of the Integrated Response to a Meal
۳۲. Transport and Metabolic Functions of the Liver
۳۳. Elements of Renal Function
۳۴. Solute and Water Transport Along the Nephron: Tubular Function
۳۵. Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume
۳۶. Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphate Homeostasis
۳۷. Role of the Kidneys in the Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
۳۸. Introduction to the Endocrine System
۳۹. Hormonal Regulation of Energy Metabolism
۴۰. Hormonal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism
۴۱. The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
۴۲. The Thyroid Gland
۴۳. The Adrenal Gland
۴۴. The Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Video Contents

۱. Action Potential
۲. The cardia cycle
۳. Chemotaxis
۴. The Countercurrent Multiplier
۵. The Cross-Bridge Cycle
۶. Endocytosis
۷. Menstrual cycle
۸. Peristalsis
۹. Mechanics of Pulmonary Ventilation
۱۰. Chemical synaptic transmission

قیمت : 100000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=353605
نویسنده : Bruce M. Koeppen MD PhD
ناشر : Elsevier; 8th edition
سال انتشار : 2024
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 860 به همراه کانتنت و ایندکس
(ISBN) شابک : 0323847900
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $123.47
حجم فایل : 330 MB

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