Ideally suited for rapid reference and efficient, effective recall, Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach will keep you up to date with current and evolving practice in…
Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty is a concise yet comprehensive, multi-authored, multi-specialty surgical text and video atlas that provides all the guidance you need to…
Although its underlying concept is a relatively simple one—the measurement of the human body and its parts—anthropometry employs a myriad of methods and instruments,…
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design is intended for students beginning the study of mechanical engineering design. Students will find that the text inherently directs them…
Women s health comprises a large range of activities including fertility and reproductive health and screening and treatment for gynecological conditions, with computer systems…
Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery third edition, encompasses a wide range of diverse topics making it a unique text amongst the medical…
Landmark builds on what learners bring to class and respects their knowledge and experience. Using real-life listening and reading, Landmark gets students thinking, noticing,…
Landmark builds on what learners bring to class and respects their knowledge and experience. Using real-life listening and reading, Landmark gets students thinking, noticing,…
Landmark builds on what learners bring to class and respects their knowledge and experience. Using real-life listening and reading, Landmark gets students thinking, noticing,…
Landmark builds on what learners bring to class and respects their knowledge and experience. Using real-life listening and reading, Landmark gets students thinking, noticing,…
Typically, manuals of pediatric hematology-oncology are written by specialists from high-income countries, and usually target an audience with a sub-specialist level of training, often…
Given that there have been considerable advances in the treatment and management of oncologic diseases in children, the fifth edition of this successful clinical…