The leading comprehensive reference on cardiac catheterization through eight outstanding editions, Grossman & Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention, Ninth Edition, continues to keep…
An accessible and engaging review of board exam essentials Cardiology Board Review lays the groundwork for board exam success with its instructive and easy-to-read…
Angiography of the ocular fundus is a standard examination method that should be mastered by every ophthalmologist treating posterior segment diseases. Outstanding pictures -…
OCT Angiography by David R. Chow and a cadre of renowned authors is an authoritative, richly illustrated guide on a groundbreaking new ophthalmic imaging…
Freshly updated and expanded, Grossman & Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention, 8th edition, proves it’s still the leading go-to textbook for cardiac catheterization.…