کتاب Atlas of Surgery of the Facial Nerve | بوک باز

دانلود کتاب اطلس جراحی های اعصاب صورت و روش های بازسازی<br>Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgeries and Reanimation Procedures 1st Edition

دانلود کتاب اطلس جراحی های اعصاب صورت و روش های بازسازی
Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgeries and Reanimation Procedures 1st Edition

Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgeries and Reanimation Procedures is more than a project for the author. It is the culmination of her passion, as…
دانلود کتاب اطلس جراحی عصب صورت <br>Atlas of Surgery of the Facial Nerve, 2ed

دانلود کتاب اطلس جراحی عصب صورت
Atlas of Surgery of the Facial Nerve, 2ed

The second edition of this atlas has been fully updated to give a step by step guide to facial nerve surgery. Beginning with an…