ICU | بوک باز

دانلود کتاب آی سی یو مارینو<br>Marino's The ICU Book 5th Edition

دانلود کتاب آی سی یو مارینو
Marino’s The ICU Book 5th Edition

Marino's The ICU Book Dr. Paul L. Marino’s concise, engaging writing style is just one of many reasons that Marino’s The ICU Book is…
دانلود کتاب اطلس نوار مغزی ICU کودکان و نوزادان<br>Atlas of Pediatric and Neonatal ICU EEG, 1ed

دانلود کتاب اطلس نوار مغزی ICU کودکان و نوزادان
Atlas of Pediatric and Neonatal ICU EEG, 1ed

Atlas of Pediatric and Neonatal ICU EEG is the first and only atlas to provide a comprehensive overview of the EEG patterns encountered in…
دانلود کتاب مرور بورد ICU اعصاب<br>The NeuroICU Board Review, 1ed

دانلود کتاب مرور بورد ICU اعصاب
The NeuroICU Board Review, 1ed

The best Q&A, the best clinical cases, the best review for neurocritical care board certification! The NeuroICU Board Review offers the ultimate preparation for…
دانلود کتاب راهنمای Icu درمانی<br>Handbook of Icu Therapy, 3ed

دانلود کتاب راهنمای Icu درمانی
Handbook of Icu Therapy, 3ed

This popular handbook provides a practical guide to managing common and important problems in the critically ill patient, as well as sufficient background information…
دانلود کتاب راهنمای مانیتورینگ EEG در ICU<br>Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring, 2ed

دانلود کتاب راهنمای مانیتورینگ EEG در ICU
Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring, 2ed

Continuous EEG monitoring is an important tool for assessing brain function and allows clinicians to identify malignant EEG patterns quickly and provide more effective…
دانلود کتاب پروتکل های ICU کودکان IAP<br>IAP Textbook of Pediatric ICU Protocols, 1ed

دانلود کتاب پروتکل های ICU کودکان IAP
IAP Textbook of Pediatric ICU Protocols, 1ed

This book provides evidence-based information to pediatricians and students of pediatrics on guidelines and established protocols on disease management. Chapters in this book describe…
دانلود کتاب جیبی ICU <br>Pocket ICU, 2ed

دانلود کتاب جیبی ICU
Pocket ICU, 2ed

Part of the popular Pocket Notebook Series, Pocket ICU, Second Edition provides concise, evidence-based information for critical care students, interns, residents, and professionals at…
دانلود کتاب کوچک ICU مارینو<br>Marino's The Little ICU Book, 2ed

دانلود کتاب کوچک ICU مارینو
Marino’s The Little ICU Book, 2ed

Quick lookup for the most essential info in critical care! Ideal for quick reference at the bedside, The Little ICU Book is a condensed, compact version…
دانلود کتاب ICU مغز و اعصاب<br>The NeuroICU Book, 2ed

دانلود کتاب ICU مغز و اعصاب
The NeuroICU Book, 2ed

The acclaimed protocol-based guide to neurocritical care – essential for daily practice and the boards An immediate classic, this groundbreaking text is based on…
دانلود کتاب سونوگرافی در ICU: برنامه های کاربردی عملی<br>Ultrasonography in the ICU: Practical Applications, 2015th

دانلود کتاب سونوگرافی در ICU: برنامه های کاربردی عملی
Ultrasonography in the ICU: Practical Applications, 2015th

This text presents a basic guide of the principles and applications of ultrasound in the critical care setting. The text also addresses the basic…
دانلود کتاب آی سی یو اعصاب<br>The NeuroICU Book

دانلود کتاب آی سی یو اعصاب
The NeuroICU Book

The first practical, protocol-based guide to the emerging field of neurocritical care The goal of neurological critical care is to rapidly deliver acute medical…