Nursing | بوک باز

دانلود کتاب زمینه های پرستاری: مقدمه<br>Contexts of Nursing: An Introduction, 5ed

دانلود کتاب زمینه های پرستاری: مقدمه
Contexts of Nursing: An Introduction, 5ed

Contexts of Nursing: An Introduction, 5th edition provides comprehensive coverage of the key ideas underpinning contemporary nursing practice in Australia and New Zealand. Each…
دانلود کتاب راهنمای دارویی پرستاری ساندرز 2023<br>Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2023, 1ed

دانلود کتاب راهنمای دارویی پرستاری ساندرز ۲۰۲۳
Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2023, 1ed

Ensure safe and effective drug therapy with this easy-to-use handbook! Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2023 provides you with current, detailed information on more than…
دانلود کتاب Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care, 2ed

دانلود کتاب Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care, 2ed

Take an evidence-based approach that prepares nurses to be leaders at all levels. Learn the skills you need tolead and succeed in the dynamic…
دانلود کتاب راهنمای مراقبت روحی پرستار<br>The Nurse's Handbook of Spiritual Care, 1ed

دانلود کتاب راهنمای مراقبت روحی پرستار
The Nurse’s Handbook of Spiritual Care, 1ed

The Nurse’s Handbook of Spiritual Care helps nurses develop a high level of competence in spiritual and existential care as an important part of…
دانلود کتاب پرستاران! خود را در مهارت های اساسی محاسباتی آزمایش کنید<br>Nurses! Test Yourself in Essential Calculation Skills, 2ed

دانلود کتاب پرستاران! خود را در مهارت های اساسی محاسباتی آزمایش کنید
Nurses! Test Yourself in Essential Calculation Skills, 2ed

Nurses! Test Yourself in Essential Calculation Skills, 2nd Edition is designed to help your overcome your fears and strengthen your calculation skills for clinical…
دانلود کتاب برنامه درسی اصلی پرستاری انکولوژی<br>Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6ed

دانلود کتاب برنامه درسی اصلی پرستاری انکولوژی
Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6ed

The only OCN® Exam review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6th Edition is the…
دانلود کتاب مرجع دارویی پرستاری 2023 موزبی<br>Mosby's 2023 Nursing Drug Reference, 36ed

دانلود کتاب مرجع دارویی پرستاری ۲۰۲۳ موزبی
Mosby’s 2023 Nursing Drug Reference, 36ed

Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for more than 35 years! Mosby's 2023 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most…
دانلود کتاب مبانی پرستاری: مفاهیم و شایستگی ها برای تمرین<br>Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Practice, 9ed

دانلود کتاب مبانی پرستاری: مفاهیم و شایستگی ها برای تمرین
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Practice, 9ed

Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022! Bring the principles of nursing to life and build a foundation for success from the classroom…
دانلود کتاب مراقبت های ویژه پرستاری DeMYSTiFieD<br>Critical Care Nursing DeMYSTiFieD, 2ed

دانلود کتاب مراقبت های ویژه پرستاری DeMYSTiFieD
Critical Care Nursing DeMYSTiFieD, 2ed

A fun, streamlined way to learn the major concepts and theories of critical care nursing – and how to apply them to real-world patient…
دانلود کتاب راهنمای دارویی برای دانشجویان پرستاری موزبی<br>Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 14ed

دانلود کتاب راهنمای دارویی برای دانشجویان پرستاری موزبی
Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 14ed

From the most-trusted name in nursing comes the handbook designed to help you understand common drug families and interactions. Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing…
دانلود کتاب مبانی پرستاری کوزیر و ارب<br>Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 11ed

دانلود کتاب مبانی پرستاری کوزیر و ارب
Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 11ed

For courses in thefundamentals of nursing. Preparing students tosucceed in modern nursing careers Nurses today must grow andevolve to meet the demands of a…
دانلود کتاب پیشرفت شغلی: مفاهیم پرستاری حرفه ای<br>Advancing Your Career: Concepts of Professional Nursing, 7ed

دانلود کتاب پیشرفت شغلی: مفاهیم پرستاری حرفه ای
Advancing Your Career: Concepts of Professional Nursing, 7ed

Advance your career to the next level of professional practice! Here are all the concepts and theories practicing RNs need to continue their education…