Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience | بوک باز

دانلود کتاب علوم اعصاب شناختی <br>The Cognitive Neurosciences, 6ed

دانلود کتاب علوم اعصاب شناختی
The Cognitive Neurosciences, 6ed

The sixth edition of the foundational reference on cognitive neuroscience, with entirely new material that covers the latest research, experimental approaches, and measurement methodologies.…
دانلود کتاب اصول علوم اعصاب ادراکی<br>Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2ed

دانلود کتاب اصول علوم اعصاب ادراکی
Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2ed

The new and rapidly evolving field of cognitive neuroscience brings together cognitive psychology and neuroscience, drawing conceptual and technical elements from both these traditional…