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Baxter’s The Foot And Ankle In Sport, 3ed + Video
For specialists and non-specialists alike, returning an athlete to pre-injury performance safely and quickly is uniquely challenging. To help you address these complex issues in everyday practice, Baxter’s The Foot and Ankle in Sport, 3rd Edition, provides focused, authoritative information on the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports-related foot and ankle injuries – ideal for returning both professional and recreational athletes to full use and function.
- Provides expert guidance on athletic evaluation, sports syndromes, anatomic disorders, orthoses and rehabilitation, and more.
- Includes new and updated case studies and pearls for optimal use in the clinical setting.
- Features thoroughly revised content and enhanced coverage of stress fractures, as well as metabolic consideration in athletes.
- Includes new chapters on the disabled athlete, the military athlete, caring for the athlete as a team, foot and ankle exam, and biologics.
- Features a new, full-color design throughout and new videos available online.
- Shares the expertise of international contributors who provide a global perspective on sports medicine.
Overcome the unique challenges of treating foot and ankle problems of the athlete
۱. The Basic Foot and Ankle Physical Exam
۲. Impingement Syndromes of the Ankle
۳. Stress Fractures: Their Causes and Principles of Treatment
۴. Medical and Metabolic Considerations in Athletes With Stress Fractures
۵. Problematic Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
۶. Ankle and Midfoot Fractures and Dislocations
۷. Midfoot Fractures and Dislocations
۸. Rupture of the Anterior Tibial and Peroneal Tendons
۹. Achilles Tendon Disorders Including Tendinopathies and Ruptures
۱۰. Posterior Tibialis Tendon Injury in the Athlete
۱۱. Functional Nerve Disorders and Plantar Heel Pain
۱۲. Arthritic,. Metabolic, and Vascular Disorders
۱۳. Dermatologic, Infectious, and Nail Disorders
۱۴. NonsurgicaFTreatment-of-Acute-and-Chroni_2020_Baxter-s-the-Foot-and-An
۱۵. Ankle Sprains, Ankle Instability, and Syndesmosis Injuries
۱۶. Osteochondral Lesions of the Ankle and Occult Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
۱۷. Disorders of the Subtalar Joint, Including Subtalar Sprains and Tarsal Coalitions
۱۸. Diagnostic and Operative Ankle and Subtalar Joint Arthroscopy
۱۹. Foot and Ankle Endoscopy
۲۰. Lesser Toe Disorders
۲۱. Great-Toe Disorders
۲۲. Bunions in the Elite Athlete: The Philosophy and Principles
۲۳. Chronic Leg Pain
۲۴. Foot and Ankle Injuries in Dancers
۲۵. An International Perspective on the Foot and Ankle in Sports
۲۶. The Military Athlete
۲۷. Pediatric Problems and Rehabilitation Geared to the Young Athlete
۲۸. Unique Considerations for Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Female Athlete
۲۹. Orthobiologics in Foot and Ankle Applications
۳۰. Rehabilitation of Specific Foot and Ankle Issues
۳۱. Principles of Rehabilitation for the Foot and Ankle
۳۲. The Team in the Care of the Athlete
Video Contents
۱. ۱-۱ General Complete Physical Exam of the Foot and Ankle
۲. ۱-۲ Mini C-arm Evaluation for Turf Toe
۳. ۱-۳ Mini C-arm Evaluation of the Syndesmosis
۴. ۱-۴ Mini C-arm Evaluation of the Os Trigonum
۵. ۱-۵ Mini C-arm Evaluation of an Apophyseal Nonuninon of the 5th Metatarsal
۶. ۱-۶ Ultrasound Evaluation for Base 5th Metatarsal Fracture
۷. ۱-۷ Ultrasound Evaluation for Anterior Tibial Tendon Pathology
۸. ۱-۸ Ultrasound Evaluation for Achilles Tendon Tendinopathy
۹. ۱-۹ Ultrasound Evaluation for Achilles Tendon Partial Tear
۱۰. ۱-۱۰ Ultrasound Evaluation for Dislocating Peroneal Tendon
۱۱. ۱-۱۱ Ultrasound Evaluation for Intrasheath Peroneal Tendon
۱۲. ۱-۱۲ Ultrasound Evaluation of Posterior Tibial Tendon Tear
۱۳. ۱-۱۳ Ultrasound Evaluation of the Plantar Fascia
۱۴. ۱-۱۴ Ultrasound Evaluation of the Peroneal Tendons
۱۵. ۱-۱۵ Ultrasound Evaluation of the Peroneal Muscles
۱۶. ۱-۱۶ Ultrasound Evaluation of the Plantar Foot for Neuroma
۱۷. ۲-۱ Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy for Evaluation of Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon and Os Trigonum
۱۸. ۲-۲ Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy for Resection of Posterior Process Talus
۱۹. ۷-۱ Clinical Evaluation for Midfoot and Lisfranc Instability
۲۰. ۷-۲ Radiographic Demonstration of Midfoot Instability
۲۱. ۸-۱ Clinical Evaluation for Peroneal Tendon Dislocation
۲۲. ۹-۱ The Thompson Test for Evaluation of Acute Achilles Rupture
۲۳. ۱۴-۱ Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Lateral Ankle Instability
۲۴. ۲۴-۱ About Dance Smart
۲۵. ۲۴-۲ Balance- Airplane Test
۲۶. ۲۴-۳ Function- Battement Developpe
۲۷. ۲۴-۴ Function- Over Turn Out 1st to 5th
۲۸. ۲۴-۵ Function- Dance and Street Shoe
۲۹. ۲۴-۶ Function- Petit Jete
۳۰. ۲۴-۷ ROM- Neural Mobility: Straight Leg Raise with Dorsiflexion
۳۱. ۲۴-۸ Function- Yard Stick Test
۳۲. ۲۴-۹ Function- 4th Pirouette en Dehors
۳۳. ۲۴-۱۰ Balance- Plie,Releve, Passe
۳۴. ۲۴-۱۱ Function- Plie
۳۵. ۲۴-۱۲ ROM- Beighton Laxity Scale
۳۶. ۲۴-۱۳ ROM- Hip Rotation
۳۷. ۲۴-۱۴ Function- Saute Test
۳۸. ۲۴-۱۵ Stability – Hip: Penguin, Pigeon
۳۹. ۲۴-۱۶ Stability- Toes
۴۰. ۲۴-۱۷ Stability – Core: Pelvis and Spine
۴۱. ۲۴-۱۸ Function- Tendu
۴۲. ۲۴-۱۹ Alignment- Hip and Knee. Femoral or Tibeal Torsion
۴۳. ۲۴-۲۰ Gait- Triple Hop Test
۴۴. ۲۴-۲۱ Alignment- Observation: Anterior, Lateral, Posterior Views
۴۵. ۲۴-۲۲ Stability- Hip: Perturbations
۴۶. ۲۴-۲۳ ROM- Full Body Rotation
۴۷. ۲۴-۲۴ ROM- Plantarflexion, Dorsiflexion
۴۸. ۲۴-۲۵ ROM- Inversion, Eversion, Navicular Drop
۴۹. ۲۴-۲۶ ROM- Toe Flexion, Extension, Doming, Abduction
۵۰. ۲۴-۲۷ Balance- Shift Weight to One Leg
۵۱. ۲۴-۲۸ Gait- Landing Error Score System
۵۲. ۲۴-۲۹ Gait- Jump
۵۳. ۲۴-۳۰ Function- Demi Pointe and Pointe
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=172723
نویسنده : David A. Porter MD PhD
ناشر : Elsevier; 3rd edition
سال انتشار : 2021
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 613
(ISBN) شابک : 032354942X
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $216.14
حجم فایل : 1000 MB