دانلود کتاب جراحی بالینی هنری و تامپسون
Henry & Thompson Clinical Surgery, 3ed
The previous edition won first Prize (Surgery category) at the BMA Awards 2005. The judges’ comment:
‘A comprehensive and attractively presented 4-colour textbook of surgery aimed primarily at medical students but also of use to junior doctors and surgical technicians. The book has two key features: firstly, it provides students with coverage of every aspect of surgery; secondly, it has been designed and written to be the ‘surgical companion’ to Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine. This new edition will also offer an online version to all purchasers of the book – the first surgical textbook in the UK to make an electronic version available.’
۲. Legal and ethical issues, and organisation of surgical services
۳. Accident and emergency
۴. Investigation of the surgical patient
۵. The operation
۶. Anaesthesia and pain control
۷. Perioperative management and postoperative complications
۸. Wound healing and management
۹. Surgical infection
۱۰. The seriously ill and injured patient
۱۱. Practical procedures
۱۲. Principles of surgical oncology
۱۳. Organ transplantationSECTION 2 – REGIONAL SURGERY
۱۴. The neck and upper aerodigestive tract
۱۵. Ear and nose
۱۶. Chest and lungs
۱۷. Cardiac surgery
۱۸. Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
۱۹. Liver and biliary tree
۲۰. The spleen
۲۱. The pancreas
۲۲. Acute abdominal conditions
۲۳. Small-bowel disease and intestinal obstruction
۲۴. Large bowel, including appendix
۲۵. Anal and related disorders
۲۶. Hernia
۲۷. Breast disease
۲۸. Arterial surgery
۲۹. Venous and lymphatic disorders
۳۰. Neurosurgery
۳۱. Surgery of the endocrine glands
۳۲. Urology
۳۳. Principles of orthopaedics
۳۴. Principles of management of fractures, joint injuries and peripheral nerve injuries
۳۵. Principles of paediatric surgery
۳۶. Ophthalmology in clinical surgery
۳۷. Principles of plastic surgery
۳۸. Skin disorders
۳۹. Surgery in the tropics