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Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, 2008th Edition
Simplified Facial Rejuvenation is divided into sections that include anatomy and anesthesia, classifications, dermatologic procedures, suture lifts, surgical variations of the face, surgical variations of the eyes, brow, neck, lips, nose ear, and scalp, and medical legal aspects. The book presents multiple variations of suture lift procedures to allow the physician to decide which is best. Unique surgical procedures of the face are presented, many of which are techniques of minimal incision facelift. The book brings together the more popular procedures for patients that include simpler methods of facial rejuvenation with less pain, shorter recovery time, lower cost, and fewer complications.
۱ Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Surgery of the Head and Neck
۲ Local Anesthetic Blocks of the Head and Neck
۳ Universal Classifcation of Skin Type
۴ Fasil Scale: Measurement of Facial Skin and Soft-Tissue Laxity
۵ Facial Aging: a Clinical Classifcation
۶ Facial Aging and its Mechanics
۷ Peptides for Facial Skin Aging
۸ Treatment of Hyperpigmented Photodamaged Skin
۹ Chemical Peels and Other Rejuvenation Methods for the Face
۱۰ Superfcial and Medium-Depth Chemical Peels
۱۱ Chemical Peeling Rejuvenation of the Neck
۱۲ Deep Phenol Chemical Peels
۱۳ The Golden Peel
۱۴ Combined Techniques of Ablative Skin Resurfacing: Phenol, Trichloroacetic Acid, and Mechanical Dermabrasion
۱۵ Comparison of Laser and Phenol Chemical Peel
۱۶ Face and Neck Remodeling with Ultrasound-Assisted (VASER) Lipoplasty
۱۷ Complications of Laser
۱۸ Thermage Radiofrequency
۱۹ Capacitive Radiofrequency Skin Rejuvenation
۲۰ Photorejuvenation
۲۱ Coblation Skin Resurfacing Technique
۲۲ Removal of Rhytids with Electrocoagulation
۲۳ Plasma Skin Resurfacing
۲۴ Botulinum Toxin: Products, Techniques, Complications
۲۵ Laser Facial Hair Removal
۲۶ Mesotherapy for Facial Rejuvenation
۲۷ Fat Transfer to the Face
۲۸ Face Rejuvenation with Rice-Grain-Sized Fat Implants: Fischer’s Technique
۲۹ Complementary Fat Grafting
۳۰ Facial Volume Enhancement: Decision-Making Between Fat Grafting and Solid Implants
۳۱ Facial Implants
۳۲ Solid Implants: Mentoplasty and Malar Augmentation
۳۳ The History of Barbed Suture Suspension: Applications, and Visions for the Future
۳۴ Bidirectional, Non-anchored Suture Lifts
۳۵ Soft Face Lift Using Threads
۳۶ Anti Gravity/Elevation Lift: Facelifting Without Incisions
۳۷ The Curl Lift: a Rediscovered Technique
۳۸ Barbed Thread Facelift: a Personal Journey
۳۹ Transcutaneous Facelift
۴۰ Biolifting and Bioresurfacing
۴۱ Percutaneous Eyebrow Lift
۴۲ Suture Lift of the Nasal Tip
۴۳ Short Access Facial Elevation: a Modifed S-Lift
۴۴ The Delta Lift: a Modifcation of S-lift for Facial Rejuvenation
۴۵ Easy Lift
۴۶ Simplifed S-Lift
۴۷ The Round-Lifting Technique
۴۸ The QuickLift™ and Lateral Subcutaneous Browlifting
۴۹ The Curl Lift Combined with Skin Resurfacing
۵۰ Three-Dimensional Facelift
۵۱ Mini Facelift
۵۲ Complications of Facelift
۵۳ Aesthetic Principles for Hair Restoration
۵۴ Follicular-Unit and Multiple-Follicular-Unit Hair Restoration
۵۵ Mesotherapy for Treatment of Male-Type Alopecia
۵۶ Mid Forehead “Buttonhole” Eyebrow Elevation
۵۷ Endoscopic Forehead Lifting
۵۸ Reduction of the Supraorbital Ridges
۵۹ Asian Blepharoplasty in the Creation of a Double Eyelid
۶۰ Blepharoplasty Techniques in Asians
۶۱ Transconjunctival Approach to Lower-Lid Blepharoplasty
۶۲ A Clinical Guide to Estimate the Skin Resection in Upper Blepharoplasties
۶۳ A Frequent Complication of Aesthetic Blepharoplasty: the Surgical Round Eye
۶۴ Complications of Blepharoplasty
۶۵ Surgery for Prominent Ears
۶۶ Nasal Tip Rotation
۶۷ Section of the Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle to Lift the Nasal Tip
۶۸ Complications of Rhinoplasty
۶۹ Partial Removal of the Buccal Fat
۷۰ Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to the Midface Lift
۷۱ Section of the Frenulum of the Upper Lip
۷۲ Surgical Treatment of the Senile Upper Lip
۷۳ Correction of the Gummy Smile
۷۴ Surgical Correction of the Aging Lip
۷۵ Three-Dimensional Sculpting of the Human Face Using Anatomic Contour Design Alloplastic Facial Implants
۷۶ Chin Augmentation
۷۷ Genioplasties for Facial Rejuvenation
۷۸ Aesthetic Surgery of the Aging Neck: Options and Techniques
۷۹ Algorithm for Neck Rejuvenation
۸۰ Cervicoplasty Without Skin Excision
۸۱ Cervicoplasty with Hexagonal Excision
۸۲ Mesh Platsymaplasty
۸۳ Adams’s Apple Reduction
۸۴ Medical Legal
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=69350
نویسنده : Melvin A. Shiffman , Sid J. Mirrafati
ناشر : Springer; 2008 edition
سال انتشار : 2008
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 627
(ISBN) شابک : 3540710965
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $253.53
حجم فایل : 40 MB