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Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, 1ed
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy: Mechanisms and New Methods for Analyzing Risks builds on earlier works focusing on the clinical problem of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). This book presents a methodology for identifying and classifying clusters of risks that lead to SUDEP. Developed over the last two years, the SUDEP Classification System and Risk Factor Cluster ID method will help to address gaps in our knowledge about the causes and possible prevention of this tragic complication.
Exploring the interactions among the central and peripheral autonomic nervous systems and the cardiopulmonary systems, the book includes case studies of SUDEP, definite or probable, as well as near miss cases. It discusses how neurologists, emergency room physicians, and attending physicians can identify individuals at possible risk for SUDEP and lessen the chance of occurrence. Top medical professionals in the field detail the development of an international database of human cases and animal models of SUDEP and suggest how medical examiner and coroner offices can strengthen the database by providing information about incidences of SUDEP. In addition, the book describes related clinical and animal studies needed to classify risk factors for SUDEP victims.
Understanding the risk factors and mechanisms underlying SUDEP will facilitate collaborative research in the laboratory, hospital, and clinic and lead to improved effectiveness of SUDEP prevention strategies.
About the Author
Chapter 1: Mechanistic Mystery : Risk Factors in SUDEP
Chapter 2: SUDEP : A Syndrome with Several If Not Many Potential Underlying Mechanisms
Chapter 3: Unraveling the Global Mystery of SUDEP
Chapter 4: Decision Analysis and Classification Methods for SUDEP Risk Factor Identification
Chapter 5: Forensic SUDEP Cluster Risk Factor Identifier Method
Chapter 6: Forensic Cases Classified as SUDEP Cluster Risk Factor Identifiers
Chapter 7: Flow to and Flow Not to Use Cluster ID Method
Chapter 8: Clinical Cases Classified as SUDEP Cluster Risk Factor Identifiers
Chapter 9: SUDEP : Continued Forensic Challenges
Chapter 10: A South Carolina Cohort of Epilepsy Patients
Chapter 11: Measuring the Incidence of SUDEP Using Forensic and National Data
Chapter 12: Risk Predictor : Individual SUDEP Risk Factor Cluster IDs
Chapter 13: Intracranial Pressurer Cerebral Edema, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea : A Risk Factor Cluster for SUDEP?
Chapter 14: Neurocardiac Interactions in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy : Can Ambulatory Electrocardiogram-Based Assessment of Autonomic Function and T-Wave Alternans FieIp to Evaluate Risk?
Chapter 15: Patient Management Using Cluster Risk Factor Identifiers
Chapter 16: Future Clinical and Animal Studies
Chapter 17: Animal Model Cluster IDs : Mechanisms and Risk Factors for SUDEP
Chapter 18: Sudden Death Animal Models to Study Nervous System Sites of Action for Disease and Pharmacological Intervention
Chapter 19: A Characterization of the Lockstep Phenomenon in PhenobarbitaFPretreated Cats
Chapter 20: Relationship of the Lockstep Phenomenon and Precipitous Changes in Blood Pressure
Chapter 21: Interspike Interval Flistogram Characterization of Synchronized Cardiac Sympathetic Neural Discharge and Epileptogenic Activity in the Electrocorticogram of the Cat
Chapter 22: Abnormal Brain Activity Triggers Long-Term Potentiation in Sympathetic Ganglia : Implication for Sudden Death
Chapter 23: (31-Adrenergic Blockade Prevents Cardiac Dysfunction and Increased Susceptibility to Experimental Arrhythmias Following Status Epilepticus in Rats
Chapter 24: Cardiac Myocyte Damage, Electrocardiographic Dysfunction, and Ion Channel Remodeling in Rodent Models of Seizure Disorders
Chapter 25: A Rat Model for Exploring the Contributions of Ventricular Arrhythmias to Sudden Death in Epilepsy
Chapter 26: Neurotransmitters Implicated in Control of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in Animal Models
Chapter 27: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy : A Translational Approach
Chapter 28: Sudden Death in Epilepsy : Relationship to the Sleep-Wake Circadian Cycle and Fractal Physiology
Chapter 29: Lockstep in Humans : Bridging the Gap
Chapter 30: Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
Chapter 31: Mechanisms of SUDEP : Lessons from Cases Occurring in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
Chapter 32: Compliance with Antiepileptic Drug Treatment and the Risk of SUDEP
Chapter 33: Providing Information about SUDEP : The Benefits and Challenges
Chapter 34: Mechanistic SUDEP Risk Factor Studies for Animals and Humans
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=126218
نویسنده : Claire M. Lathers , Paul L. Schraeder
ناشر : CRC Press; 1 edition
سال انتشار : 2016
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 350
(ISBN) شابک : 9781482223859
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $109.81
حجم فایل : 30 MB