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Renal Nursing, 4ed

Renal Nursing is a comprehensive evidence-based guide tonursing in the field of nephrology and kidney care. This fullyupdated fourth edition discusses the stages of chronic kidneydisease, prevention and early management, pre-dialysis care,haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, transplantation,investigations and nutrition.  It also includes keyinformation on renal care in infancy, childhood and earlyadolescence. The underlying anatomy, physiology and psychology ofkidney disease are reviewed in depth, along with key skills andknowledge required to provide support, treatment and high-qualitycare.

Special features:

  • Fully grounded in the NHS National Service Framework for renalservices
  • New chapter on patient involvement in renal care
  • Content and references fully updated to reflect changes inpolicies, evidence, care and management
  • Begins with the basics and covers all the vital materialrequired by anyone working in renal care

Renal Nursing is an ideal reference text for nursesundertaking post-registration renal courses, student nursesundertaking a placement in a renal ward, specialist renaldieticians, pharmacists and other professions allied tomedicine.


“This book is for all nursing staff including studentnurses caring for the renal patient. This would be valuable forallied health professionals such as specialist pharmacists andrenal dietitians. It would also be apt for a junior doctorrequiring further information.”  (NursingTimes, ۱۶ October 2014)

“The 3rd edition of Renal Nursing provides a verygood introduction tonephrology nursing for the beginnertointermediate practitioner. Get it if youare new to our specialtyor if you areundertaking post graduate renal studiesand are lookingfor a general renal nursing text.” Renal Society ofAustralasia Journal, Oct 08

جهت مشاهده ویرایش ۲۰۱۹ این کتاب کلیک کنید

قیمت : 4000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=1910
نویسنده : Nicola Thomas
ناشر : Wiley-Blackwell; 4 edition
سال انتشار : 2014
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 418
(ISBN) شابک : 978-1118410646
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $59.26
حجم فایل : 13 MB


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