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Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology, 3ed + Video

Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology In recent years, the field of pediatric cardiology has undergone rapid change, resulting in earlier diagnoses and improved long-term outcomes for many patients. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology, 3rd Edition, offers an easy-to-understand, practical, and team-based approach to this complex field, addressing the current needs of pediatric cardiologists, surgeons, fellows, and other members of the pediatric cardiology team. It thoroughly covers all diagnostic and management aspects of both acquired and congenital heart disease, providing a strong foundation and an actionable approach to care of the pediatric cardiology patient and family.

  • Provides comprehensive coverage of the foundational and practical aspects of care for complex heart problems in children, covering both therapy and surgery from basic information through complex, team-based clinical applications.
  • Includes new chapters on cardiomyopathies, structural heart disease, interventional procedures, genetics, electrophysiology, and imaging.
  • Discusses the latest information on diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart disease, including in the fetus and young adult.
  • Covers current drugs used in pediatric heart conditions and surgical therapy.
  • Shares the knowledge and expertise of editors and authors at Boston Children’s Hospital, one of the world’s largest and most highly rated pediatric cardiology and congenital heart surgery institutions, using a team-based approach.
  • Covers the full spectrum of care, including anesthesia, the ICU, and nursing considerations.


Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology Practical tools for diagnosis and management of the pediatric patient with heart disease


۱. A brief history of pediatric cardiology and congenital heart surgery
۲. Cardiac embryology
۳. Morphologic-anatomic diagnosis: Normal and pathologic cardiac morphology
۴. Fetal and transitional circulation
۵. Genetics of congenital heart disease
۶. Dysmorphology and syndromes
۷. History, physical examination, oximetry, chest radiograph, and other baseline testing
۸. Electrocardiography
۹. Echocardiography
۱۰. Advanced cardiac imaging
۱۱. Assessment of myocardial performance
۱۲. Exercise testing
۱۳. Fundamentals of cardiac catheterization
۱۴. Interventional cardiac catheterization
۱۵. Lymphatic anomalies and interventions


۵۵. Central nervous system sequelae of congenital heart disease
۵۶. Pulmonary hypertension
۵۷. Adult congenital heart disease
۵۸. Pregnancy and reproductive health in patients with congenital heart disease
۵۹. The fontan circulation
۶۰. Fundamentals of cardiopulmonary bypass for congenital heart surgery
۶۱. Ventricular recruitment in patients with borderline ventricles
۶۲. Emerging techniques in cardiac surgery
۶۳. Sedation and anesthesia in cardiac procedures
۶۴. Cardiac intensive care unit
۶۵. Contemporary pediatric cardiovascular nursing
۶۶. Translational research in pediatric cardiology
۶۷. Innovation and areas for future research

Video Contents

۱. ۹.۱ Three-dimensional view of the mitral valve shows the presence of a cleft in the anterior leaflet.
۲. ۹.۲ Contrast echocardiogram showing the presence of a patent
۳. ۹.۳ Three-dimensional echocardiogram image containing the
۴. ۹.۴ Three-dimensional view of stenotic bioprosthetic mitral
۵. ۹.۵ Fetal echocardiogram, depicting a sweep from the apical
۶. ۱۰.۱ A three-dimensional rotation angiogram of a 6-month-old
۷. ۱۰.۲ Short-axis cine at the mid-ventricular level in a 17-year-old
۸. ۱۰.۳ A four-dimensional volume-rendered cine in a 1-year-old
۹. ۱۰.۴ Short-axis cine image from a retrospectively gated lowpitch spiral CCT acquisition
۱۰. ۱۴.۱ Balloon dilation of the pulmonary valve.
۱۱. ۱۴.۲ Transcatheter management of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PA-IVS).
۱۲. ۱۴.۳ Intentional fracture of surgically placed failing bioprosthetic
۱۳. ۱۴.۴ Coronary compression testing showing compression of
۱۴. ۱۴.۵ Transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a native, noncalcified aortic valve of a patient
۱۵. ۱۴.۷ Use of covered stent to treat aortic wall rupture during balloon angioplasty of previously stented, resistant coarctation of the aorta.
۱۶. ۱۴.۶ Combined surgical and transcatheter management of infant with congenital mitral valve disease.
۱۷. ۱۴.۷ Use of covered stent to treat aortic wall rupture during
۱۸. ۱۴.۸ Recanalization and stenting of completely occluded superior Mustard baffle.
۱۹. ۱۸.۱ Intracardiac echo: “Home” image of atrioventricular septum by intracardiac echo showing position of His bundle electrogram
۲۰. ۱۸.۲ Integration of intracardiac echocardiogram and electroanatomical mapping in patient undergoing slow pathway modification
۲۱. ۱۸.۳ Intracardiac echo; trans-septal view of ablation catheter
۲۲. ۴۲.۱ (of angiogram). Injection in the left coronary cusp
۲۳. ۴۵.۱ Echo of acute rheumatic fever with mitral regurgitation (MR).

قیمت : 250000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=407950
نویسنده : Edward P. Walsh MD
ناشر : Elsevier; 3rd edition
سال انتشار : 2025
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 843 بدون ایندکس
(ISBN) شابک : 1455705993
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $133.99
حجم فایل : -

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