دانلود کتاب اطلس جراحی اکولوپلاستیک و مداری
Atlas of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery, 1ed

Unlike other books of its kind, the new Atlas of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery offers detailed, step-by-step instructions from initial skin marking and cut to final closure for more than 90 commonly performed oculoplastic, lacrimal, and orbital surgeries. Each step also includes a matching illustration inverted to accommodate the surgeon’s actual position during the surgery.

In addition to clear instruction, the text for each surgery covers preoperative evaluation discussions, postoperative care instructions, and how to avoid and manage potential complications.


  • More than 1,000 detailed color illustrations
  • Text and matching illustration are presented side-by-side for easy reference
  • Key points help reader plan the most appropriate operation and minimize complications
  • Surgeons can follow each step and perform the procedure even if they aren’t familiar with it.


“This stands out among surgical atlases because of the fantastic illustrations and because it includes all the steps necessary to guide readers from cut to close.”

Doody’s Reviews
Christopher B Chambers, MD (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)

Weighted Numerical Score: 96 – 4 Stars!


۱. Anesthesia in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
۲. Eyelid Anatomy
۳. Chalazion Incision and Drainage, Transcutaneous Approach
۴. Chalazion Incision and Drainage, Transconjunctival Approach
۵. Cryosurgery for Trichiasis
۶. Radiosurgery for Trichiasis
۷. Internal Eyelash Bulb Resection
۸. Etiology and Associated Deformities
۹. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Fat Excision
۱۰. Asian Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
۱۱. Refi xation of Lacrimal Gland Prolapse
۱۲. Reformation of the Upper Eyelid Crease
۱۳. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Fat Excision
۱۴. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Fat Redraping
۱۵. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Eyelid Shortening
۱۶. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Lateral Canthopexy
۱۷. Transconjunctival Excision of Lower Eyelid Herniated Orbital Fat
۱۸. Direct Brow Elevation
۱۹. Transblepharoplasty Endotine Brow Fixation
۲۰. Endoscopic Forehead Elevation
۲۱. Posterior Tarsoconjunctival Resection (Fasanella-Servat)
۲۲. Posterior Müller’s Muscle–Conjunctival Resection
۲۳. External Levator Aponeurosis Advancement
۲۴. Supra-Whitnall’s Ligament Levator Muscle Resection
۲۵. Harvesting Autogenous Fascia Lata
۲۶. Frontalis Muscle Suspension with Autogenous Fascia Lata
۲۷. Frontalis Muscle Suspension with Silicone Rod
۲۸. Lateral Tarsorrhaphy
۲۹. Eyelid Shortening by Lateral Tarsal Strip Fixation
۳۰. Medial Spindle Tarsoconjunctival Resection
۳۱. Full-thickness Marginal Wedge Resection
۳۲. Modifi ed Lazy-T Procedure
۳۳. Medial Canthal Ligament Plication
۳۴. Temporal Fascia Lower Eyelid Suspension
۳۵. Anterior Lamellar Eyelid Lengthening with Skin Graft
۳۶. Full-thickness Eyelid Sutures (Quickert-Rathbun)
۳۷. Modifi ed Full-thickness Eyelid Sutures for Epiblepharon Repair
۳۸. Lower Eyelid Crease Reformation for Epiblepharon Correction
۳۹. Lower Eyelid Retractor Reinsertion
۴۰. Retractor Reinsertion with Horizontal Eyelid Shortening
۴۱. Retractor Reinsertion with Lateral Tarsal Strip Fixation
۴۲. Anterior Lamellar Shortening with Epitarsal Muscle Fixation
۴۳. Marginal Eyelid Rotation by Anterior Horizontal Tarsal Groove Resection
۴۴. Horizontal Blepharotomy with Marginal Eyelid Rotation (Wies Procedure)
۴۵. Posterior Lamellar Eyelid Lengthening with Free Tarsoconjunctival, Scleral, or Cartilage Graft
۴۶. Posterior Eyelid Lengthening with Mucous Membrane Graft
۴۷. Levator Aponeurosis Recession with Müller’s Muscle Extirpation
۴۸. Lower Eyelid Retractor Disinsertion with Scleral Graft
۴۹. SMAS Midface Elevation and Fixation
۵۰. Simple Direct Closure of an Elliptical Skin Defect
۵۱. Myocutaneous Advancement Flap
۵۲. Myocutaneous Rotation Flap
۵۳. Myocutaneous Transposition Flap
۵۴. Rhombic Flap
۵۵. Z-plasty Transposition Flap
۵۶. Direct Layered Closure of Marginal Eyelid Defects
۵۷. Lateral Semicircular Rotation Flap (Tenzel)
۵۸. Horizontal Tarsoconjunctival Transposition Flap
۵۹. Free Tarsoconjunctival Graft
۶۰. Lower Eyelid Single Bridged Advancement Flap (Cutler-Beard)
۶۱. Lower Eyelid Double Bridged Advancement Flap
۶۲. Lateral Semicircular Rotation Flap with Periosteal Fixation
۶۳. Free Tarsoconjunctival Graft and Myocutaneous Advancement Flap
۶۴. Upper-to-lower Eyelid Tarsoconjunctival Advancement Flap (Hughes Procedure)
۶۵. Reduction of Epicanthal Folds with Y to V Advancement Flap
۶۶. Reduction of Epicanthal Fold by Four-flap Technique
۶۷. Lateral Augmentation Canthoplasty
۶۸. Lateral Reduction Canthoplasty
۶۹. Correction of Vertical Canthal Angle Dystopia
۷۰. Glabellar Rotation Flap
۷۱. Median Forehead Transposition Flap
۷۲. Surgical Anatomy of the Lacrimal Drainage System
۷۳. Two-snip Punctoplasty
۷۴. Repair of Canalicular Lacerations
۷۵. Canalicular Reconstruction
۷۶. Nasolacrimal System Probing, with Infracturing of the Inferior Turbinate
۷۷. Nasolacrimal System Probing with Silicone Intubation Stents
۷۸. Nasolacrimal System Balloon Dacryoplasty
۷۹. Dacryocystorhinostomy
۸۰. Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy
۸۱. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
۸۲. Surgical Anatomy of the Orbit
۸۳. Transcutaneous, Transseptal Anterior Orbitotomy
۸۴. Transcutaneous, Transperiosteal Anterior Orbitotomy
۸۵. Lateral Orbitotomy
۸۶. Orbital Decompression, Inferior and Medial Walls
۸۷. Orbital Decompression, Transcaruncular Medial Wall
۸۸. Orbital Decompression, Transconjunctival Inferior Wall
۸۹. Orbital Decompression, Lateral Wall
۹۰. Repair of Orbital Floor Fracture
۹۱. Miniplate Fixation for Orbital Rim Fracture
۹۲. Subperiosteal Orbital Volume Augmentation
۹۳. Enucleation with Primary Acrylic or Silicone Implant
۹۴. Enucleation with Biointegrated Porous Ocular Implant
۹۵. Dermis-fat Orbital Implant Graft
۹۶. Repair of the Exposed Ocular Implant
۹۷. Evisceration
۹۸. Orbital Exenteration

قیمت : 7000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=40556
نویسنده : Jonathan Dutton MD PhD
ناشر : LWW; 1 Har/Psc edition
سال انتشار : 2013
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 338
(ISBN) شابک : 1451143125
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $267.99
حجم فایل : 74 MB


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