دانلود کتاب اصول و تمرین جراحی سوراخ کلید مغز + ویدئو
Principles and Practice of Keyhole Brain Surgery, 1ed + Video

Developed 20 years ago by leading innovators in the field, the keyhole concept of brain surgery has become an integral part of the practice of neurosurgery. This timely and comprehensive book covers the thinking, philosophy, and techniques of modern keyhole brain surgery, including a realistic assessment of its benefits and limitations. Written by expert practitioners and highlighted by vivid surgical illustrations and procedural videos, Principles and Practice of Keyhole Brain Surgery functions as an experienced mentor working side by side with neurosurgeons as they master the techniques.

Special Features:

  • Introduces the basic principles of the keyhole approach, including the practical, technical, and logistical aspects of planning procedures and operating through small openings
  • Beautifully illustrated with nearly 900 endoscopic images, diagrams, surgical drawings, and operative photographs, many showing step-by-step procedures
  • Details the pivotal role of the endoscope in keyhole brain surgery and its ability to provide multiple angles of visualization, including a useful catalog of clinical situations where the endoscope has proven most effective
  • Demonstrates contemporary keyhole approaches (e.g. the eyebrow/sub-frontal approach) in procedures for supratentorial intra-axial brain tumors, tumors of the cribriform plate and orbit, parasellar masses, craniopharyngiomas, tumors of the middle fossa and cavernous sinus and many other conditions in the cranial base
  • Offers more than 100 procedural videos on the Thieme’s MediaCenter, narrated by the authors and aligned to chapters in the book for an unparalleled learning resource

Providing all the information necessary to achieve surgical goals through well placed, smaller openingswith the added benefits of shorter procedures, fewer wound complications and better patient outcomesPrinciples and Practice of Keyhole Brain Surgery is essential for every neurosurgeon in practice today.


۱ An Introduction to the Keyhole Concept
۲ Cognitive Principles of Planning Keyhole Approaches
۳ Technical Principles of Operating in Keyhole Craniotomies
۴ The Role of Endoscopy in Keyhole Surgery
۵ An Atlas of Intracranial Endoscopy
۶ Steps in Common Keyhole Approaches
۷ Endonasal Surgery and Its Current Role in Neurosurgical Paradigms
۸ Keyhole Surgery for Supratentorial Intra-Axial Tumors
۹ Keyhole Approaches to Tumors of the Cribriform Plate and Orbit
۱۰ Keyhole Approaches to Parasellar Masses and the Interpeduncular Space
۱۱ Craniopharyngiomas
۱۲ Keyhole Approaches to Tumors of the Middle Fossa, Cavernous Sinus, Tentorium and Lateral Midbrain
۱۳ The Cerebellopontine Angle
۱۴ Tackling the Petrous Apex through a Keyhole
۱۵ Keyhole Surgery of the Tectum and Pineal Region
۱۶ Keyhole Surgery for Foramen Magnum,Fourth Ventricular,and Midline Cerebellar Tumors

Videos Contents

۲.۱ The relative merits of microscope and endoscope
۳.۱ The importance of frequent repositioning of the microscope
۳.۲ The keyhole principle demonstrated
۳.۳ The technique of anticipatory microscope positioning
۳.۴ The three-point technique
۳.۵ Working in a properly planned keyhole craniotomy
۳.۶ Draining CSF and its impact on visualization
۴.۱ Proper introduction of the endoscope
۴.۲ Safe angle changes in intracranial endoscopy
۴.۳ Safe techniques for introducing instruments endoscopically
۴.۴ Inspection of the IAC with the endoscope
۴.۵ The use of angled instruments in endoscopic surgery
۴.۶ Endoscopic clarification
۷.۱ Endonasal resection of a brainstem tumor
۷.۲ Endonasal resection of a lower clival chordoma
۷.۳ Endonasal transpterygoid approach to Meckel cave
۷.۴ Endonasal transpterygoid approach to Meckel cave
۸.۱ The use of the endoscope to improve resection in a glioma
۸.۲ Resection of the frontal lobe via a minicraniotomy
۸.۳ Microsurgical appearance of the caudate nucleus
۸.۴ Appearance of the cavity after complete removal of the frontal lobe
۸.۵ Appearance of the cavity after complete removal of the frontal lobe
۸.۶ Resection of the temporal lobe via a minicraniotomy
۸.۷ Resection of a localized insular glioma (Case 1)
۸.۸ Resection of a localized insular glioma (Case 2)
۸.۹ Resection of a complex multilobular insular glioma
۸.۱۰ Postresection appearance of a cingulate gyrus glioma
۸.۱۱ Resection of a cingulate cavernoma via a contralateral interhemispheric approach
۸.۱۲ The use of the endoscope to improve the ispilateral view in a cingulate glioma
۸.۱۳ Interhemispheric approach to a thalamic glioma
۸.۱۴ Resection of a thalamic glioma via an interhemispheric approach
۸.۱۵ The postresection view of a thalamic glioma via a transcortical approach
۹.۱ Endonasal removal of an orbital apex tumor
۱۰.۱ Tuberculum meningioma resected via the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۲ The use of the endoscope in the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۳ Tuberculum meningioma resected via the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۴ Resection of a medial uncus lesion via the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۵ Resection of an epidermoid of the interpeduncular space via the eyebrow
۱۰.۶ Resection of a tumor of the cerebral peduncle
۱۰.۷ Resection of a large tumor of the cerebral peduncle via the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۸ Introduction of the endoscope into the opticocarotid triangle
۱۰.۹ Endoscopic view down the dorsum sellae through the eyebrow approach
۱۰.۱۰ Transcallosal-tenoforniceal approach to the third ventricle
۱۰.۱۱ Removal of a colloid cyst from the third ventricle
۱۰.۱۲ Ventriculoscopic resection of a hypothalamic hamartoma (Case 1)
۱۰.۱۳ Ventriculoscopic resection of a hypothalamic hamartoma (Case 2)
۱۰.۱۴ Ventriculoscopic resection of intraventricular nodules
۱۰.۱۵ Resection of a large central skull base tumor via the eyebrow approach
۱۱.۱ Endonasal resection of a massive craniopharyngioma
۱۱.۲ Initial steps in the endonasal endoscopic approach to craniopharyngiomas
۱۱.۳ Venous versus carotid arterial bleeding in endonasal surgery
۱۱.۴ Endonasal resection of a craniopharyngioma
۱۱.۵ Endonasal resection of a craniopharyngioma
۱۱.۶ Endonasal resection of a craniopharyngioma
۱۱.۷ Endoscopic repair of the postresection defect
۱۱.۸ Craniopharyngioma resection via the eyebrow approach
۱۱.۹ Endoscopic inspection after a transcranial craniopharyngioma resection
۱۱.۱۰ Endoscopic inspection after a transcranial craniopharyngioma resection (Case 1)
۱۱.۱۱ Endoscopic inspection after a transcranial craniopharyngioma resection (Case 2)
۱۱.۱۲ Transcallosal-tenofornicea resection of a craniopharyngioma
۱۲.۱ Mini-pterional resection of a clinoid meningioma
۱۲.۲ Endoscopic inspection of the Meckel cave
۱۲.۳ Endonasal resection of a cavernous sinus pituitary tumor
۱۲.۴ Cavernous sinus meningioma resection via a mini-pterional craniotomy
۱۲.۵ Mini-pterional resection of a parasellar meningioma
۱۲.۶ Mini-subtemporal approach to the lateral midbrain
۱۲.۷ Transtemporal transchoroidal fissure approach to a lateral midbrain cavernoma
۱۲.۸ Resection of a massive pontine cavernoma via the mini-subtemporal approach
۱۲.۹ The use of endoscopy to work around the edges of the tentorium
۱۳.۱ Delivery of a large vestibular schwannoma via the mini-retrosigmoid approach
۱۳.۲ Access to the CSF spaces in the mini-retrosigmoid approach
۱۳.۳ Access to the CSF spaces in a large CPA tumor
۱۳.۴ The use of the endoscope to avoid IAC drilling in some cases
۱۳.۵ Resection of a vestibular schwannoma with hearing preservation
۱۳.۶ Resection of a jugular foramen meningioma
۱۳.۷ Removal of a petroclival meningioma via the mini-retrosigmoid approach
۱۳.۸ Mini-retrosigmoid approach to the tectum
۱۳.۹ Mini-retrosigmoid resection of a posterior fossa epidermoid
۱۳.۱۰ Mini-retrosigmoid resection of a pontine lesion
۱۳.۱۱ Mini-retrosigmoid resection of a jugular foramen tumor
۱۳.۱۲ Endoscopic inspection and waxing of aircells following IAC drillout
۱۳.۱۳ Endoscopic inspection and resection of a petroclival meningioma in Meckel cave
۱۳.۱۴ Endoscopic inspection and resection of a meningioma in Meckel cave
۱۳.۱۵ Removal of a pontine glioma via the mini-retrosigmoid approach
۱۴.۱ Endonasal drainage of a petrous apex granuloma
۱۴.۲ Visualization of basilar perforators in a tumor
۱۴.۳ Eyebrow approach to a petroclival meningioma
۱۴.۴ Mini-pterional approach to a petroclival meningioma
۱۴.۵ Eyebrow approach to a petroclival meningioma
۱۵.۱ Anterior interhemispheric approach to a posterior third ventricular tumor
۱۵.۲ Anterior interhemispheric approach to a posterior third ventricular tumor
۱۵.۳ Mini-occipital/transtentorial approach to the pineal region
۱۵.۴ Mini-occipital/transtentorial approach to a pineal tumor
۱۵.۵ Mini-occipital/transtentorial approach to a tectal tumor
۱۵.۶ The use of the endoscope in the pineal region
۱۵.۷ Endoscopic inspection of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure
۱۵.۸ Microscopic versus endoscopic views of the pineal region
۱۵.۹ Endoscopic inspection and resection of a tectal tumor
۱۵.۱۰ Endoscopic inspection after removal of a tectal tumor
۱۵.۱۱ Endoscopic view into the third ventricle via a mini-occipital/transtentorial approach
۱۶.۱ Endoscopic view into the fourth ventricle through the foramen of Luschka
۱۶.۲ Mini-suboccipital resection of a fourth ventricular tumor (Case 1)
۱۶.۳ Mini-suboccipital resection of a fourth ventricular tumor (Case 2)
۱۶.۴ Mini-suboccipital resection of a superior fourth ventricular tumor
۱۶.۵ Mini-suboccipital resection of a medullary tumor
۱۶.۶ Removal of a tumor from the foramen of Luschka
۱۶.۷ Endoscopic removal of a tumor from the foramen of Luschka
۱۶.۸ Endoscopic views through the foramen of Luschka
۱۶.۹ Mini-suboccipital resection of a lateral schwannoma at the foramen magnum

قیمت : 70000 تومان

لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=28945
نویسنده : Charles Teo , Michael E. Sughrue
ناشر : Thieme; 1st edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF + MP4
تعداد صفحات : 277
(ISBN) شابک : 3131758511
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $187.87
حجم فایل : 1400 MB


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