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Nursing Today: Transition and Trends, 8ed
Popular with nursing students for its humorous cartoons and easy-to-read style, Nursing Today: Transition and Trends, 8th Edition helps you make a successful transition from student to practicing nurse. It covers the profession’s leading issues and opportunities, ensuring that you graduate not only with patient care skills, but also with career development skills such as resume writing, finding a job, and effective interviewing. Study questions and test-taking tips prepare you for the NCLEX-RN® exam, and discussions of communication and management prepare you to succeed in the workplace. Well-known educators JoAnn Zerwekh and Ashley Zerwekh Garneau provide the latest information on nursing issues and trends including health care reform, patient safety, and patterns of nursing care delivery.
- An emphasis on making the transition into the workplace is included in chapters such as NCLEX-RN® and the New Graduate, Employment Considerations: Opportunities, Resumes, and Interviewing, and Mentorship, Preceptorship, and Nurse Residency Programs.
- Coverage of QSEN and patient safety includes Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, National Patient Safety Foundation, and Institute of Medicine competencies related to patient safety, and addresses communication among health care providers, quality improvement, and guidelines from The Joint Commission.
- Coverage of evidence-based practice includes management protocols and interventions used as the basis for clinical outcomes.
- Coverage of nursing informatics helps you use technology, access information, and evaluate content to provide quality patient care – and includes a discussion of the Electronic Health Record (EHR).
- Coverage of health care reform includes the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the new Patient Bill of Rights as they apply to health care delivery and costs.
- Student resources on an Evolve companion website include case studies for every chapter, NCLEX-RN® review questions, NCLEX-RN exam-style questions, memory notecards, and resume templates for creating professional resumes and cover letters.
- Thorough coverage includes all of the most important issues faced by the new nurse, preparing you to succeed in a professional nursing career.
- Critical Thinking boxes offer questions and exercises asking you to apply what you have learned to clinical practice.
- An engaging approach features lively cartoons, chapter objectives, bibliographies, and colorful summary boxes.
- NEW Prepare for the NCLEX with updated content in the NCLEX-RN Examination and the New Graduate chapter.
- NEW! Highlighted QSEN competencies relate to effective communication, team building, evidence-based practice, patient safety, and quality assurance.
- NEW section on community health nursing helps you find employment in this growing area.
- UPDATED content on externships discusses preceptorships as a capstone course versus a formalized preceptorship or externship in which a student is employed by a healthcare facility, as well as the advantages of and tips for getting a nurse externship while in nursing school.
- UPDATED coverage of the role of Nursing includes changes related to the BSN in 10 campaign and how these might affect entry into practice, as well as differentiated nursing practice models.
- NEW Relevant Websites and Online Resources boxes at the end of chapters provide links for further research and study.
- NEW Research for Best Practice boxes focus on the research evidence that supports clinical practice.
Nursing Standard, March 11 :: vol 23 no 27 :: 2009
Chapter 1 – Role Transitions
Chapter 2 – Personal Management: Time and Self-Care Strategies
Chapter 3 – Mentorship, Preceptorship, and Nurse Residency Programs
Chapter 4 – Employment Considerations: Opportunities, Resumes, and Interviewing
Chapter 5 – NCLEX-RN® Examination and the New Graduate
Chapter 6 – Historical Perspectives: Influences on the Present
Chapter 7 – Nursing Education
Chapter 8 – Nursing Theory
Chapter 9 – Image of Nursing: Influences of the Present
Chapter 10 – Challenges of Nursing Management and Leadership
Chapter 11 – Building Nursing Management Skills
Chapter 12 – Effective Communication and Team Building
Chapter 13 – Conflict Management
Chapter 14 – Delegation in the Clinical Setting
Chapter 15 – The Health Care Organization and Patterns of Nursing Care Delivery
Chapter 16 – Economics of the Health Care Delivery System
Chapter 17 – Political Action in Nursing
Chapter 18 – Collective Bargaining: Traditional (Union) and Nontraditional Approaches
Chapter 19 – Ethical Issues
Chapter 20 – Legal Issues
Chapter 21 – Cultural and Spiritual Awareness
Chapter 22 – Quality Patient Care
Chapter 23 – Nursing Informatics
Chapter 24 – Using Nursing Research in Practice
Chapter 25 – Workplace Issues
Chapter 26 – Emergency Preparedness
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=31893
نویسنده : JoAnn Zerwekh MSN EdD RN
ناشر : Saunders; 8 edition
سال انتشار : 2015
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 665
(ISBN) شابک : 1455732036
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $54.77
حجم فایل : 12 MB