دانلود کتاب راهنمای بقای چشم پزشکی عصبی + ویدئو
The Neuro-Ophthalmology Survival Guide 3rd Edition + Video
Video Contents
۱. Testing color vision
۲. Testing the visual field using confrontation techniques
۳. Testing ocular motility and alignment
۴. Testing the pupillary reaction to light
۵. Assessing trigeminal sensory and facial nerve function
۶. The Mirror Test for non-organic blindness.
۷. The Optokinetic Test for non-organic blindness.
۸. Testing proprioception in a patient with non-organic blindness.
۹. Restrictive myopathy – tight left medial rectus muscle in thyroid eye disease
۱۰. Global paretic myopathy due to chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)
۱۱. Ocular myasthenia, misdiagnosed as a decompensating exophoria
۱۲. Ocular myasthenia, at first thought to be a decompensating congenital fourth nerve palsy
۱۳. Right partial third nerve palsy due to a large basilar artery aneurysm
۱۴. Horizontal diplopia
۱۵. More detailed examination reveals a right partial third nerve palsy with aberrant regeneration
۱۶. Patient diagnosed as having a decompensated exophoria
۱۷. A complete left third nerve palsy with pupil involvement
۱۸. Diplopia due to a right exotropia
۱۹. Acquired (traumatic) left fourth nerve palsy due to a motor vehicle accident
۲۰. Congenital left fourth nerve palsy
۲۱. Left sixth nerve palsy from an internal carotid artery aneurysm
۲۲. Left cavernous sinus syndrome due to lung cancer metastasis
۲۳. Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS)
۲۴. Bilateral but asymmetric internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) in a young woman with multiple sclerosis
۲۵. Right hypertropic skew deviation due to a midbrain stroke
۲۶. Dorsal midbrain syndrome due to hemorrhage into a pinealoma
۲۷. Congenital bilateral horizontal gaze palsy due to Moebius syndrome
۲۸. Acquired left conjugate horizontal gaze palsy – left sixth nerve nucleus lesion due to pontine stroke
۲۹. Vertical gaze palsy (downgaze worse than upgaze) due to midbrain stroke
۳۰. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
۳۱. Horizontal jerk nystagmus
۳۲. Upbeat nystagmus
۳۳. Downbeat nystagmus
۳۴. Acquired horizontal pendular nystagmus
۳۵. Torsional jerk nystagmus
۳۶. See-saw nystagmus
۳۷. Periodic alternating nystagmus in a patient with a Chiari malformation
۳۸. Gaze-evoked nystagmus in a child with a Chiari malformation
۳۹. Superior oblique myokymia in a healthy young woman
۴۰. Square-wave jerks
۴۱. Macro-square-wave jerks
۴۲. Macrosaccadic oscillations
۴۳. Opsoclonus in a woman with an ovarian carcinoma
۴۴. Ocular flutter
۴۵. Monocular (left) pendular nystagmus in a patient with long-standing multiple sclerosis (MS)
۴۶. Convergence-retraction nystagmus in a young woman with a dorsal midbrain lesion
۴۷. Pupillary light-near dissociation in a man with a pineal region tumor
۴۸. Rebound nystagmus in a patient with a fourth ventricular epidermoid cyst
۴۹. Rebound nystagmus in a patient with long-standing multiple sclerosis
۵۰. Voluntary nystagmus in a healthy young man
۵۱. Downbeat nystagmus before and after treatment with memantine
۵۲. Acquired left horizontal gaze palsy in a middle-aged woman
۵۳. Horizontal “motor” jerk nystagmus in a middle-aged man
۵۴. Horizontal “sensory” pendular nystagmus in a small child
۵۵. Spasmus nutans in a child with an optic chiasmal glioma
۵۶. Square-wave jerks in a patient with Parkinson disease
۵۷. Infrared video of a patient with a left Horner syndrome
۵۸. Tonic pupil (Adie syndrome)
۵۹. Cogan lid twitches in three patients with myasthenia gravis
۶۰. Enhancement of ptosis with manual elevation of either eyelid in a patient with myasthenia gravis
۶۱. Right seventh nerve palsy due to compression by tumor (trigeminal schwannoma)
۶۲. Idiopathic blepharospasm
۶۳. Right hemifacial spasm
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=424996
نویسنده : Anthony Pane MBBS MMedSc
ناشر : Elsevier; 3rd edition
سال انتشار : 2025
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : MP4 + PDF (کیفیت اصلی)
تعداد صفحات : 349 بدون ایندکس
(ISBN) شابک : 0443115982
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $58.88
حجم فایل : 1200 MB