دانلود کتاب ایمپلنت فیکوامولسیفیکیشن و لنز داخل چشمی: تسلط تکنیک ها و عوارض در عمل جراحی کاتاراکت
Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation: Mastering Techniques and Complications in Cataract Surgery, 2ed
Phacoemulsification, the gold standard for cataract extraction, is highly successful. However, the procedure is not without risks and complications. Poor visual outcome, retinal detachment, infection, diplopia, and cornea and iris problems may pose considerable challenges. Additional potential problems arise from implanting the intraocular lens (IOL).
Edited by a renowned master surgeon and educator in the field, and authored by a remarkable cast of cataract experts, this is the definitive text on managing cataract surgery, with practical guidance on recognizing and managing complications, should they arise. Experts demonstrate the right way to perform phacoemulsification and diverse surgical and intraocular lens implantation procedures in order to reduce risk and improve patient outcome.
This second edition is greatly expanded in size and scope to accommodate the latest state-of-the-art methodologies and refinements in surgical strategies. Since the first edition was published, new techniques for refractive cataract surgery, vitrectomy, IOL exchange, and management of IOL implantation without capsular bag support have been improved. Additionally, new technologies have been introduced such as optical coherence tomography, FLACS (femtosecond laser surgery), and implantation of toric and multifocal refractive IOLs, as well as methods to improve IOL power calculation and decision making.
- A stellar group of national and internationally renowned eye surgeons provide invaluable clinical pearls gleaned from years of refining procedures
- Surgical videos further elucidate the most optimal surgical strategies
- More than 600 superb illustrations
- Management of challenges including small pupils, IFIS, zonular weakness, inadequate capsular support, vitrectomy, corneal burns, high astigmatism, dysphotopsias, and endophthalmitis
This invaluable reference will help ophthalmologists refine their expertise, resulting in fewer risks and more efficacious outcomes. It is a must-have resource for ophthalmology residents and proficient surgeons alike.
۱ Complications of Ophthalmic Anesthesia
۲ System ic Complications of Ophthalmic Anesthesia
۳ Woun d Con struction and Complications
۴ Sm all Pu pil Recogn ition and Management
۵ Malyugin Ring
۶ Anterior and Posterior Capsulorhexis
۷ Complications of the Hydrosteps: How to Recognize and Avoid them
۸ Divide-and-Con quer Technique and Complications
۹ Stop-and-Ch op Phacoem ulsi cation
۱۰ Vacu um Hem i-Flip Phacoem ulsi cation
۱۱ Phaco-Ch op Procedure: Management and Complications
۱۲ Phaco Prechop Procedure
۱۳ Management of the Soft Nucleus
۱۴ Cortically Mature Lens: White Cataract
۱۵ Dense Brunescent Cataract
۱۶ Posterior Polar Cataract
۱۷ Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Cataract Surgery
۱۸ Conversion to Extracapsular Cataract Extraction
۱۹ Torn Posterior Capsule and Anterior Vitrectomy
۲۰ Pars Plan a Anterior Vitrectomy
۲۱ Post Vitrectomy Considerations in Phacoemulsication
۲۲ Posterior-Segment Complications
۲۳ In traoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome
۲۴ Positive Pressu re
۲۵ Strategies for Weak Zonules
۲۶ Capsular Ten sion Devices
۲۷ Scleral and Iris Sutu red Posterior Ch am ber In traocular Lenses and In traocular Kn ot-Tying Techniques
۲۸ Corn eoscleral Pocket (Ho m an Pocket)
۲۹ Intraocular Lens Fixation in the Absence of Support: the Glued Intraocular Lens
۳۰ the Cow-Hitch Suture Technique
۳۱ Intraocular Lens Exch ange with an Open Posterior Capsu le
۳۲ Iris Defects and Complications
۳۳ Using Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Devices to Manage Problem s in Cataract Surgery
۳۴ Corneal Problem s Associated with Phacoemulsication
۳۵ Management of Problem s with Descem et’s Membrane
۳۶ Ultrasound-In du ced therm al In cision Contracture
۳۷ Un derstanding the Phaco Machine
۳۸ Aspheric In traocular Lenses
۳۹ Intraocular Lens Implantation
۴۰ Angle-Supported Intraocular Lenses
۴۱ Un derstanding and Managing the Dysphotopsias
۴۲ Path ology of Com plicated Phacoemulsication
۴۳ Management of Astigmatism with Periph eral Corneal Relaxing In cisions and Toric In traocular Lenses
۴۴ Avoiding Un expected Ou tcom es with Toric In traocular Lenses
۴۵ CrystaLens/Trulign Intraocular Lenses
۴۶ Diractive Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
۴۷ Com bin ed Phacoemulsication and Glaucom a Procedures
۴۸ Microinvasive Glau com a Surgery
۴۹ Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome
۵۰ Endophthalmitis
۵۱ Residual Astigmatism with Toric Intraocular Lenses
۵۲ General Treatment Guidelines
۵۳ the Ch allenges with Phacoemulsication
۵۴ Microin cision Phaco Surgery
۵۵ Divide-and-Conquer Technique
جهت مشاهده نسخه همراه با ویدئوهای کامل کتاب کلیک کنید
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=60194
نویسنده : William J. Fishkind
ناشر : Thieme; 2 edition
سال انتشار : 2017
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF
تعداد صفحات : 528
(ISBN) شابک : 162623129X
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $173.41
حجم فایل : 42 MB