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Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, 1ed + Videos
Glaucoma affects millions of people worldwide and is the second leading cause of blindness. Major advances in innovative surgical techniques, collectively termed minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), have revolutionized the field. These groundbreaking ophthalmic surgery approaches are effective, are not bleb-dependent, and they result in fewer complications. Authored by a Who’s Who of prominent experts in the MIGS movement, this book represents the most comprehensive book written to date on the subject.
Leading glaucoma surgeons offer unique perspectives and experience gleaned from developing and mastering these state-of-the-art techniques. The first four sections discuss fundamental concepts of eye anatomy and structure, outflow implications, and aqueous production. The remaining sections cover the latest cutting-edge procedures elucidated through text descriptions and case studies, with the final two chapters offering insights into how to best incorporate MIGS into your practice and possibilities for combining MIGS procedures to expand the treatment algorithm for patients with more moderate to advanced disease. Meticulous, step-by-step drawings, photos, and surgical videos further delineate advanced MIGS techniques.
Select State-of-the-Art Procedures
Trabecular Outflow
- Trabectome
- Gonioscopic Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy (GATT)
- Ab Interno 360 Degree Goniotomy (TRAB360)
- iStent
- Hydrus
- Eximer Laser Trabeculoplasty
Uveoscleral Outflow
- Canaloplasty
- SOLX Gold Shunt
- CyPass
- iStent Supra
Aqueous Humor Reduction
- Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation
Transconjunctival Filtration
- Aquesys XEN Gel Stent
- InnFocus Microshunt
This remarkable resource will enable ophthalmologists to incorporate cutting-edge MIGS into practice. It is a must have for any clinician who endeavors to advance the treatment of glaucoma.
۱ New Options in the Treatment of Glaucoma
۱A Trabecular Outflow
۲ Structure and Mechanisms of Trabecular Outflow
۳ How Does Trabecu lar Bypass Affect the Relation sh ip Bet ween Sch lem m ’s Canal Pressure and Episcleral Ven ous Pressure? 12
۴ What Role Do Collector Ch an n els Play in Determining Outcom es of Trabecu lar Bypass Surgery? 13
۵ Segm en tal Aqu eou s Outflow and Trabecu lar Bypass
۶ Pu lsatile Aqu eou s Outflow Obser vation s to Guide Glaucoma Surgery
۷ the E ect of Ultrasoun d on Aqueous Dynamics
۸ Son ic E ect on Aqu eou s Outflow
۹ Structure and Mechanisms of Uveoscleral Outflow
۱۰ What Is the Suprach oroidal Space and Can It Scar?
۱۱ Suprach oroidal Drain age—Cen ten arian Progress: An Inventor’s Perspective
۱۲ Do Prostaglandin s Make Uveoscleral Outflow More Pressure Dependent?
۱۳ Structure and Mechanisms of Aqu eou s Produ ction
۱۴ How Does Cyclodestruction Affect Diu rn al In traocular Pressure Variation ?
۱۵ How Does Cyclodestruction Affect the Blood–Aqueous Barrier?
۱۶ What Roles Do Posterior Ciliary Processes and Pars Plan a Play in Aqueous Formation ?
۱۷ Structure and Mechanisms of Su bconjun ctival Outflow
۱۸ Does Subconjunctival Filtration Affect In traocular Pressure Fluctuation ?
۱۹ Benzalkonium Chloride and Outflow Resistance
۲۰ the Fibroblast and Glaucoma Surgery
۲۱ Imminent Replacements for Trabeculectomy
۲۲ Phacoemulsification Cataract Extraction
۲۳ Trabeculotomy by In tern al Approach : Trabectome
۲۴ Trabeculotomy by In tern al Approach : Dual Blade
۲۵ Gon ioscopy-Assisted Tran slu m in al Trabeculotomy
۲۶ Episcleral Ven ous Flu id Wave: A Sn apsh ot of Paten cy of the Trabecu lar Outflow Path way
۲۷ ۳۶۰-Degree Ab Interno Trabeculotomy
۲۸ Trabecu lar Bypass: iSten t
۲۹ Premium In traocular Len ses in Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery
۳۰ Trabecu lar Bypass: Hydrus
۳۱ Excim er Laser Trabeculostomy
۳۲ Canaloplast y
۳۳ Ab Interno Viscodilation of Sch lem m ’s Canal: VISCO 360 and ABiC
۳۴ Suprach oroidal Shunt: SOLX Gold Shunt
۳۵ Ab Interno Su prach oroidal Shunts: CyPass and iSten t Su pra
۳۶ Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation
۳۷ Translimbal Collagen Implant: Aqu eSys XEN Gel Sten t
۳۸ Translimbal SIBS Shunt: In n Focu s MicroShunt
۳۹ Combining Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Procedu res
۴۰ In corporating Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Procedures In to On e’s Practice
Video Contents
۲۳.۱ Trabectome and Goniosynechialysis Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma
۲۳.۲ Pigmentary Glaucoma Trabectome Stand Alone
۲۴ ۱ Trabeculectomy W/Du al Blade and ECP
۲۵ ۱ Gon ioscopy Assisted Tran slu m in al Trabeculotomy (GAAT)
۲۵ ۲ GATT (Gon ioscopic Assisted Tran slu m in al Trabeculotomy)
۲۷.۱ ۳۶۰ Degree Trabeculotom y Using the SIGHTSCIENCES Device (TRAB360)
۲۷.۲ TRAB 360 Trabeculotom y
۲۸.۱ iStent and Goniosynechialysis Chronic Angle Closu re Glaucoma
۲۸ ۲ iStent Insertion
۲۸.۳ Blood Re u x Through the Snorkel
۳۰ ۱ Hydru s Trabecular Implant
۳۲ ۱ POAG Canaloplasty
۳۳ ۱ VISCO360
۳۳ ۲ AB Interno Canaloplasty
۳۵ ۱ CyPass Implantation Procedure
۳۵ ۲ CyPass Vx
۳۵ ۳ iStent Su pra
۳۶ ۱ ECP An terior Treatment of Iris
۳۶.۲ ECP Overtreat
۳۶ ۳ ECP Plu s
۳۶.۴ ECP Poor Inflation Treatment
۳۶ ۵ Plateau Iris CE ECPL
۳۷.۱ Aquesys Xen Gel Implant
لینک کوتاه : https://bookbaz.ir/?p=54950
نویسنده : Brian Francis , Steven Sarkisian
ناشر : Thieme; 1 Har/Psc edition
سال انتشار : 2017
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
نوع فایل : PDF + MP4
تعداد صفحات : 220
(ISBN) شابک : 1626231567
قیمت کتاب درآمازون : $123.56
حجم فایل : 200 MB